Algebra 1 Supplemental Unit To the tune of “The More We Get Together” Polynomial Song Algebra 1 Supplemental Unit To the tune of “The More We Get Together”
Polynomial Song Let us sing of polynomials and how you can make them, Let us sing of polynomials, what are they made of? A coefficient times a variable raised to an exponent, Then you add the terms together, as many as you like! Coefficients are numbers, can be any real number, And the variable is usually our favorite “x”. The exponent has restrictions, it must be a whole number, Not a negative, not a fraction, not a decimal, not x.
Polynomial Song Let us sing of polynomials and how they are named, The first way to name them is by their degree. Degree is the exponent on each term, The degree of the whole thing is the highest one of all. You also can name them by the number of terms. Monomial means one term, binomial means two terms, Trinomial means three terms, polynomial means “many”.
Polynomial Song Let us sing of polynomials and how you can add them, Let us sing of polynomials, they are easy to add! First rearrange the terms in order by degree, Put the highest one first, and so on to the end. Then add the “like” terms that have the same exponent, You can add the coefficients of the same-degree terms.