4-H and Georgia Counts: Where Does It Go? Lori Bledsoe 2015
GaCounts – What is Reported All Educational Activities –Standard Educational Programs –Presentations –4-H Camps & Conferences –Events –Media Produced Summary Reports –Office Consulting –Media Distributed –On-site Consulting –Club Meetings Professional Work –Committee Work –Event Judge –Media Distributed –Professional Development
Report Types 4-H Camps & Conferences4-H Club Meeting 4-H Specialty Club MeetingCommittee Activities EventEvent Judge ExhibitFund Development Honors and AwardsIn-Service Training Media DistributedMedia Produced Media ReviewedOffice Media Produced + Distributed On Site ConsultPresentations Professional DevelopmentResearch Conducted Special or Society Appointments Professional Society Membership Standard CEU Program (youth or adult) Extension Leadership System Other Intellectual Contributions
What You Need to Remember Do the help screens. All of them. Not optional. Period. It must be done by the 10 th of every month. Everyone needs to input their own under their name. Regardless of hours or funding. It is OK for someone to impersonate you. Tag people (add collaborators). If the CEPAs does the 5 th grade club meetings by herself, she needs to tag you because you developed the material. Then you put your role. Use the templates under Paper Tools.
New Features Duplicate – You can duplicate any report you do on a regular basis and change the date and contacts. Import numbers from 4-H Enrollment
How Do You Impersonate? You cannot give yourself permission to act on another's behalf. They have to add you. To add someone: 1.Click 'Preferences' in the menu to the left 2.Click ‘Manage Impersonation Permissions' 3.Scroll down to ‘Add Permissions' 4.Select anyone from the drop down list and click ‘Grant Permission' 1.You can also revoke permissions and see the users you can impersonate from the same page.
Common Questions – Where Does It Go? Lori’s Interpretation
4-H Club Meeting Reports In School General 4-H Clubs After School General 4-H Clubs Home School General 4-H Clubs An in-school club or an “in-school” club that meets after school that includes a formal program and 4-H club structure. A club meeting has the same requirements as a "Standard CEU Program Youth" in addition to the 4-H Club structure.
4-H Specialty Club Meeting An after-school club or a special interest club that includes a formal program and 4-H club structure. A specialty club meeting has the same requirements as a "Standard CEU Program Youth" in addition to the 4-H Club structure. The assumption is that these are clubs with membership, leadership, topic interest and meet repeatedly. If in doubt use “Standard CEU Program Youth”. Horse Club SAFE Club Horse Quiz Bowl Practice Consumer Judging Practice Forestry Judging Team Senior led Project Club
How Many Sessions??? One session for 1 hour is 1 club meeting/teacher’s room with a 1 hour program. 20 classrooms/clubs per month for 1 hour each is 20 sessions for 1 hour of instruction. Not 20 sessions for 20 hours each. Example: If I taught 10 4-H club meetings that were one hour long and each had 25 kids then, my time with each contact is equal to one hour, not 10 hours. My number of sessions would equal 10. My total contacts would equal 250. I taught 250 kids for one hour in 10 separate programs.
Total Length of the Program Length of Program and Instructional Hours are different Length of Program is the number of hours the group met – to include instruction, breaks, lunches, welcomes, etc. Instructional Hours – if you leave it blank, your activity report will show 0 educational contact hours.
Q: How many ways could I enter Fall Forum? Lowest level: You coordinated the information, group, and volunteer. You enter it under 4-H Camps & Conferences with your role as coordinator and supporter, but give your VL the hours. You may have attended because of your assignment with no kids. Enter under special or society appointment. You may have attended with your kids. Enter as a camp or conference with your number of kids from your county. You may have taught a workshop. Enter that under standard CEU program with the number of kids you taught. You may have them all!
Fundraisers Q: You attended an informational meeting to learn about a grant and applied. Where does it go? A: The training goes under professional development. The grant goes under fund development. There is a place for “status” of funds. Mark as “proposed” until you know then edit.
Q: How do I enter when I attend the livestock show as a helper, Leadership In Action as my assignment, or judge at an event? A: You would report these ‘assignments’ that you carry out throughout the year as service to the organization. You will want this type of ‘assignment’ to show up under Service to the University under section for Leadership/Special Assignments. Therefore, enter in GaCounts as… Program Area = your program area Report Type = Special or Society Appointment Now, if you are judging you might want to be more specific and for that activity use your program area and the report type “Event Judge.”
Office Contacts 'New Report' in the list on the left side of the screen. 1.Enter a title for the contacts, such as 'Coweta County 4-H January Office Contacts.' 2.Select the scope of 'County.‘ For general location, select 'Inside Georgia'. 3.Choose the month's begin and end dates. 4.Select a state issue of 'Base Programming'. 5.Select 'General 4-H‘ 6. Report types are 'Office'. 7.For role select 'Coordinator'. 8.Only select 'Summary Report' for keywords. 9.Complete office contacts based on the number of people who visit the office, the number of individuals who received information over the phone and the number of individuals receiving personalized written material. 10.Then fill out the 'Target Audience' section. o This should only apply to face-to-face contacts since over the phone and through written material, you cannot be sure of the target audience. o If records are not kept for this then leave this section blank.
What is your role? Typical Options for Roles: Coordinator Co-Coordinator Coordinated by volunteer under my supervision, my role was support Coordinated by non-CAES staff, my role was support Coordinated by volunteer under my supervision, I was not present Co-Presenter Presenter Supporter Check all that apply.
Roles Coordination – responsible for making sure the club meeting happens. For those creating a faculty activity report it is important that you have a record in GaCounts for coordination even if you did not provide instruction. Co-Presenter and Presenter – provided instruction for the club meeting. When only coordinator is selected the session will be displayed in the faculty activity report as a coordinated program and no instruction provided. When both are selected the session is displayed under “Contributions in Teaching.”
Demographics Enter all the demographic data that you know. This should be everything for club members since you have an enrollment card for each member. Demographic numbers may not balance in the end since one person can have multiple races. Hispanic is not a race it is an ethnicity. A person can select white/Hispanic, black/Hispanic, etc.
Remember about your FAR/PAR It will not all convert exactly like you need it. You will still need to go in and add your needs assessments, goals, accomplishments. Check it mid-year to make sure you are putting stuff in the same place. If you are not confident on where you put it one time, pull your FAR and look. WhereActivityGoesOnPAR.pdf