standards collaboration education warning push pull (subscribe) communication apps car GPSradio TV SERVICES FOUNDATION temporary gage deployment volunteer reporting impaired roads high water marks EXTREME EVENTS
Standards We need standard mechanisms for data access, standard data formats, and standard metadata This facilitates data sharing CUAHSI can take the lead on this
Collaboration We need to work together – Data sharing – Emergency response and communication – Think of the CAPCOG dot map that Maidment showed
Education Turn Around Don’t Drown How do we get the message across to not drive around barricades Education the kids, who can influence the adults
Warning NWS sends weather warnings out – a push system With CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow, clients make requests for data – a pull system What framework will we use as we collaborate across organizations (push or pull?)
Communication Radio TV Smart phone apps – Alerts – Rerouting Car GPS – Alerts – Rerouting
Temporary Gage Deployment Augment sensor network with temporary gages during extreme events to better monitor them
Volunteer Reporting Volunteers can help us monitor watersheds during extreme events by – Reporting locations of impaired roads such as those that are overtopped with water – Taking photographs showing high water marks Compare to CoCoRaHS volunteers measuring rainfall