Day Three The Failing Student : workshop The Failing Student Actions Documentation Short term action plan Interim Review Cause for concern process Support/Resources Implications for sign-off mentor
Day 3 Equity, Diversity, & Disability Large group discussion to define equity, diversity and disability. Legislation: Disability Rights Commission; Reasonable adjustments - link to ityanddiscrimination/Pages/EqualityHome.aspx identifies the 6 strands of inequality. ityanddiscrimination/Pages/EqualityHome.aspx px?k=reasonable%20adjustments identifies reasonable adjustments and includes sensitive disclosure px?k=reasonable%20adjustments Pyramid Exercise: Identify what inequalities you think might exist in your workplace for a student? (Individual) What do you think the influencing factors on this are? (two’s) How could they be addressed? (four’s)
Equality is about a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential Scottish Executive Health Department Fair for All the Wider Challenge 2004
Diversity is about the recognition and valuing of difference in its broadest sense. It is about creating a culture and practices that recognise, respect, value and harness difference for the benefit of… Who? Scottish Executive Health Department (adapted) Fair for All the Wider Challenge 2004
Strands of Inequality Age Younger and Older, particularly in times of transition Disability Physical, Sensory and Learning Disabilities, some Mental Illnesses and some Health Conditions Gender Women and Men including Transsexual Women & Men Race Black and Minority Ethnic Communities, includes Gypsy/Travellers, Refugees & Aslyum seekers Religion and Belief Includes Atheism and Agnosticism Sexual Orientation Bisexual, Gay, Heterosexual, Lesbian
Cross Strand, Cross Cutting & Multiple Disadvantage Cross-strand Relating to more than one equality strand or group, and commonly in talking about issues relevant to all the equality strands Cross-cutting issues such as class, poverty, deprivation, mental health, poor access (education, training, work) and opportunities, homelessness or poor housing, rural and remote Multiple disadvantage cross-strand and (usually) cross-cutting issues increase exposure to/can multiply the impacts
a Human Rights- based approach Equalit y Dignity Respec t Autono my Fairne ss
Includ ed Apprecia ted Recognise d Accepted Tolerated Pitied, given sympathy Repulsive, frightening, offensive, a threat Inclusion is a relative term
D.3.2 Evaluation What is Evaluation? What do you need to know? What do you do with the responses? Who is involved in the evaluation process? Evaluation of teaching/learning so far with this module.
D.3.3 Sign-Off Mentorship Standards to support learning and assessment in practice (NMC 2006) Additional criteria Protected time to undertake this role Discuss implications of role Scenario for discussion
Mentor Updating Annual mentor update Triennial Review 2 students over 3 year period Participate in annual updates Explore validity and reliability of judgments Map ongoing development in mentor role against NMC standards
Continuing Professional Development CPD PDP Transferable skills Nursing mentoring Mentoring nursing