A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Dr. Anja Köhler EU-Querschnittskontaktstelle, QuerKo Königswinterer Str Bonn, Germany Tel.: (0) 228 / Fax: (0) 228 /
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS German project co-ordinators contacted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Quality of Life)109 (Growth) 93 (EESD) 96 Environment 24 Energy
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Internet site: general information about the respective calls in the Thematic Programmes database “projects” database “partners”
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Database “Projects” contains profiles of consortia interested in integrating new partners with a presentation of the respective projects Database “Partners” contains profiles of potential NAS partners with a description of the expertise they can offer
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Further activities of the Querko to advertise this Internet-based service information of the NCPs in the NAS messages/articles in German and European scientific news services information of the Member States NCPs
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Content of the database “projects” (Quality of Life)4 projects (Growth)9 projects (EESD)5 projects
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Growth project INTINT: Polish Partners: Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis Institute of Chemical Engineering/Polish Academy of Sciences OBRPR PLOCK, Research Institute for Refining Industries
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS Content of the database “partners” (Quality of Life )8 profiles ( = 4) (Growth)5 profiles ( = 1) (EESD)9 profiles ( = 3) [ (IST)3 profiles ( = 0)]
QuerKo, Germany Contact Point for the Accession States A German initiative supporting the extension of running projects to include new partners from the NAS What is left to be done? keeping project co-ordinators and NAS NCPs informed statistical evaluation of –how many partnerships being established –how many successful proposals