Probing Hadron Structure at CEBAF Using Polarized Electron Scattering M. Poelker, Jefferson Lab APS Meeting, Dallas, TX, April 2006 Structure Functions, Form Factors, Parity Violation, DVCS, GPD, more? Outline; CEBAF Overview What Can You Expect at CEBAF? Parity Violation Experiments (becoming routine?) New Developments for New Experiments
A B C A B C ABC Pockels cell Gun 0.6 GeV linac (20 cryomodules) 1497 MHz 67 MeV injector (2 1/4 cryomodules) 1497 MHz RF separators 499 MHz Double sided septum 499 MHz, = 120 RF-pulsed drive lasers Wien filter Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Chopper
CEBAF Headaches? … CEBAF Benefits; Recirculating LINACs Superconducting Cavities Three Halls; 3x the physics CEBAF Overview What I’m going to talk about
CEBAF Headaches? Many shared components link experimental programs at neighboring halls Ambitious schedule with frequent energy changes: demands precise knowledge of magnet field maps All beams originate from the same polarized photogun: more complicated compared to thermionic gun Experiments grow more complicated, Beam specifications grow more demanding. Commissioning at one hall inconvenient to other halls Beamtime oversubscribed: rush to complete 6GeV program
Everyone Gets Beam from Polarized Electron Gun! CEBAF’s first polarized e-beam experiment 1997 Now polarized e-beam experiments comprise ~80% of our physics program All beams originate from the same 0.5mm spot on one photocathode inside 100kV GaAs photogun (we removed the thermionic gun in 2000) At the moment, there are three polarized e-beam experiments on the floor; Hall A: GEn (10uA) Hall B: GDH (3nA) Hall C: G0 Backward Angle (60uA)
Shared Spin Manipulator, Shared LINAC Wien filter spin manipulator at injector, used to properly orient spin at Hall Spin precession at arcs and transport lines Spin precession angle:
Shared Spin Manipulator, Shared LINAC Pure longitudinal pol for one hall at any beam energy Many energy and pass configurations provide simultaneous longitudinal polarization at two halls Simultaneous longitudinal polarization at three halls limited to ~ 2 and 4 GeV In practice however, many settings provide nearly longitudinal polarization to all three halls Hall A Hall BHall C No depolarization through machine At 5-pass, precession angle >10,000 degrees! Wien Angle J. Grames, et al. PRST-AB 7, (2004)
CEBAF Photoinjector Long photocathode lifetime: Good vacuum with NEGs Spare-gun NEG-coated beampipe No short focal length elements Wien filter Photocathodes with anodized edge Synchronous photoinjection NOW
Synchronous Photoinjection DC Light, Most beam thrown away Three independent RF-Pulsed lasers Now add prebuncher Shared Injector Chopper A B C Efficient beam extraction prolongs operating lifetime of photogun. Lasers with GHz pulse repetition rates have been hard to come by Lasers don’t turn completely OFF between pulses: Leakage (aka crosstalk, bleedthrough)
CEBAF Lasers Diode-seed + diode-amp Harmonic-modelocked Ti-Sapphire M. Poelker, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 2762 (1995). C. Hovater and M. Poelker, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 418, 280 (1998);
Commercial Ti-Sapphire 1 st commerical laser w/ 499 MHz rep rate Higher power compared to diode lasers Wavelength tunable for highest polarization Feedback electronics to lock optical pulse train to accelerator RF
Complicated Laser Table Many lossy optical components; tune mode generators, IAs, isolators Time consuming alignment to ensure coincident, colinear beams No “clean-up” polarizer for parity Users Fussy Ti-Sapphire lasers; lose phase lock, require weekly maintenance
New Fiber-Based Drive Laser CEBAFs last laser! Gain-switching better than modelocking; no phase lock problems Very high power Telecom industry spurs growth Useful only because of superlattice photocathode… J. Hansknecht and M. Poelker, submitted PRST-AB
Other Benefits of Fiber-Based Laser? Replace lossy laser-table components with telecom stuff? Tune mode generator (fast phase shifter and injector chopper) IA and laser attenuator: fiber amplitude modulator Fiber optic beam combiners? Extremly good mode quality, good for parity Users? Low repetition rate beam for particle ID and background studies, using beat frequncy method. Polarized beam without Pockels cell? Green version good for RF-pulsed Compton Polarimeter?
Photocathode Material High QE ~ 10% Pol ~ 35% Superlattice GaAs: Layers of GaAs on GaAsP Bulk GaAs Both are results of successful SBIR Programs “conventional” material QE ~ 0.15% Pol ~ 850 nm Strained GaAs: GaAs on GaAsP 100 nm No strain relaxation QE ~ 0.8% Pol ~ 780 nm 100 nm 14 pairs Superlattice reference; T. Maruyama et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 2640 (2004)
Beam Polarization at CEBAF Reasonable to request >80% polarization in PAC proposals P I 2 2 sup. str. = 1.38
Superlattice Photocathodes No depolarization over time Cannot be hydrogen cleaned Arsenic-capped No solvents during preparation! Oct 13Nov 9QE dropped by factor of 2 Anodized edge: a critical step
What Can a User Expect at CEBAF? Beam current from 100pA to 120 uA Polarization > 80% Photogun Lifetime ~ 100C (weeks of uninterrupted operation of gun) Availability ~ 70% Leakage from neighboring beams, < 3% Energy Spread 1E-4 (can be made smaller) Charge asymmetry 500ppm routine Parity-Quality…
What is Parity Quality? Experiment Physics Asymmetry Max run-average helicity correlated Position Asymmetry Max run-average helicity correlated Current Asymmetry HAPPEX-I 13 ppm10 (10) nm1 (0.4) ppm G0 Forward2 to 50 ppm20 (4 ± 4) nm1 (0.14 ± 0.3) ppm HAPPEX-He*8 ppm3 nm (3) nm0.6 (0.08) ppm HAPPEX-II*1.3 ppm2 nm (8) $ nm0.6 (2.6) $ ppm Lead0.5 ppm1 nm0.1 ppm Q weak 0.3 ppm40 nm0.1 ppm Helicity-correlated asymmetry specifications (achieved) HAPPEx notes: * Part 1 completed 2004, Part 2 during 2005, awaiting final numbers $ Results at Hall A affected by Hall C operation. Expect specs were met in part2
Routine Parity Violation Experiments? We need: Long lifetime photogun (i.e., slow QE decay) Stable injector Properly aligned laser table (HAPPEx method) Eliminate electronic ground loops Proper beam-envelope matching throughout machine for optimum adiabatic damping: need to develop tools Set the phase advance of the machine to minimize position asymmetry at target Feedback loops; charge and position asymmetry Specific requirements for each experiment; e.g., 31 MHz pulse repeitition rate, 300 Hz helicity flipping, beam halo <, etc.,
What is HAPPEx Method? Identify Pockels cells with desirable properites: –Minimal birefringence gradients –Minimal steering –Must be verified through testing! Install Pockels cell using good diagnostics: –Center to minimize steering –Rotationally align to minimize unwanted birefringence Adjust axes to get small (but not too small) analyzing power. Adjust voltage to get maximum circular polarization! Use feedback to reduce charge asymmetry. –Pockels cell voltage feedback maximizes circular polarization. –“Intensity Asymmetry” Pockels provides most rapid feedback. –During SLAC E158, both were used. If necessary, use position feedback, keeping in mind you may just be pushing your problem to the next highest order. From G. Cates presentation, PAVI04 June 11, 2004
Origins of HC Beam Asymmetries maximum analyzing power minimum analyzing power Beam Charge Asymmetry Rotating Halfwaveplate Angle Photocathode QE Anisotropy, aka Analyzing Power Different QE for different orientation of linear polarization GaAs photocathode From G. Cates presentation, PAVI04 June 11, 2004
Origins of HC beam asymmetries cont. Gradient in phase shift leads to gradient in charge asymmetry which leads to beam profiles whose centroids shift position with helicity. From G. Cates presentation, PAVI04 June 11, 2004 Non-uniform polarization across laser beam + QE anisotropy… Pockels cell aperture
Origins of HC Asymmetries cont. Pockels Cell acts as active lens From G. Cates presentation, PAVI04 June 11, 2004 Translation (inches) X position diff. (um) Y position diff. (um) Red, IHWP Out Blue, IHWP IN Use quad photodiode to minimize position differences
New Developments Higher Current and High Polarization; > 1 mA Proposed new facilities ELIC, eRHIC Solution: Fiber-based laser + Load locked gun High Current at High Polarization; Qweak to test standard model 180uA at 85% polarization CEBAF and ELIC
Test Cave LL-Gun and 100 kV Beamline Bulk GaAs 100 kV load locked gun Faraday Cup Baked to 450C NEG-coated large aperture beam pipe Differential Pumps w/ NEG’s 1W green laser, DC, 532 nm Focusing lens on x/y stage Spot size diagnostic Insertable mirror Side-view
Ion Backbombardment Limits Photocathode Lifetime (Best Solution – Improve Vacuum, but this is not easy) electron beam OUT residual gas cathode ionized residual gas hits photocathode anode laser light IN Can increasing the laser spot size improve charge lifetime? Bigger laser spot – same # electrons, same # ions But QE at (x,y ) degrades more slowly because ion damage distributed over larger area (?) ii Reality more complicated, Ions focused to electrostatic center
High Current Lifetime Experiments 342 um and 1538 um laser spots Exceptionally high charge lifetime, >1000C at beam current to 10mA! Lifetime scales with laser spot size but simple scaling not valid Repeat measurements with high polarization photocathode material
Load Locked Gun Development No more gun bakeouts! Photocathode replaced in 8 hours versus 4 days. Installation at CEBAF September, 2006 Plus: Multiple samples, No more anodizing, Better gun vacuum Less surface area No more venting Longer photocathode lifetime?
Beat Frequency Technique Normal Ops; Three beams at 499 MHz Beat Frequency Technique; One laser at MHz Halls receives Low Rep Rate Beam at Beat Frequency between Laser and Chopper RF, in this case, MHz Why? Particle identification, background studies A B C
Polarized beam without PC Fast RF phase shifter /2 /2 /4 atten steering mirror Fiber-based laser p-polarized s-polarized s and p polarized 60 degree optical delay line Fast phase shifter moves beam IN/OUT of slit; Downside: extract 2x required beam current
CEBAF Headaches not so bad Healthy polarized beam program at CEBAF with (mostly) happy Users. Easy to satisfy ~60uA experiments. 100uA beam experiments at high polarization still keep us on our toes (i.e., we have to provide photocathode maintenence 1/mo.). Ongoing gun and laser development to support high current Ops. Parity violation experiments are not yet “routine” but we are getting there. Experience helps, new tools are being developed, better hardware Fiber laser and load locked gun will help a great deal We’ve enjoyed a great relationship with our Users, hopefully Users feel simialrly about CEBAF accelerator staff.
Routine Parity Violation Experiments HC position differences are generated at the source. “Matching” the beam emittance to the accelerator acceptance realizes damping, Well matched beam => position differences reduced. Poorly matched beam => reduced damping (or even growth). Accelerator matching (linacs & arcs) routinely demonstrated. Injector matching has been arduous, long (~2 year) process. X-PZT (Source) Y-PZT (Source) X-BPM (mm)Y-BPM (mm) 1C-Line X-BPM (mm)Y-BPM (mm) 1C-Line without with