Business Informatics Group Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems Vienna University of Technology Favoritenstraße 9-11/188-3, 1040 Vienna, Austria phone: +43 (1) (secretary), fax: +43 (1) Q8: Which technologies do we use for which purpose? UN/CEFACT Standard Development Advisory Team Conference Call, 03 rd February 2010 Philipp Liegl
UN/CEFACT technologies at a glance 22 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC) based on Core Component Library (CCL) conforms to use core component definitions derive XML-Schema Naming and Design Rules (NDR) conforms to define unambiguous derivation rules Core Data Type Catalogue UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM) UN/CEFACT Context Methodology
Open issue: There is currently no core component registry implementation 33 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC) based on Core Component Library (CCL) conforms to use core component definitions derive XML-Schema Naming and Design Rules (NDR) conforms to define unambiguous derivation rules Core Data Type Catalogue UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM) UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Missing registry implementation
Open issue: Due to the missing Core Component Registry the integration into modeling tools is not possible 44 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC) based on Core Component Library (CCL) conforms to use core component definitions derive XML-Schema Naming and Design Rules (NDR) conforms to define unambiguous derivation rules Core Data Type Catalogue UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM) UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Missing registry integration
Core Component Library issues Core Component Library is only available as Excel Sheet Registry specification of ICG currently on hold due to lack of contributors CCL still based on CCTS 2.01 Different views within CEFACT of what should be stored in the library and what is should not be stored in the library (CC only, or contextualized BIEs as well?). Different views of the TBGs (17) and the TMG
Open issue: Core Component Registry efforts are there, but what about a registry for process artifacts? 66 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC) based on Core Component Library (CCL) conforms to use core component definitions derive XML-Schema Naming and Design Rules (NDR) conforms to define unambiguous derivation rules Core Data Type Catalogue UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM) UN/CEFACT Context Methodology No registry for process artifacts
Registry for process artifacts and correct representation of context in the registry 7 ebRIM based registry may in principle store any format of choice Storage format for core components in the registry must be defined (most likely XML4CCTS) However, how do we unambiguously represent UMM artifacts for the registry (problem of different XMI flavors) Technology aspects such as registry federation still an open issue How to unambiguously use the UCM in the context of the registry – annotation of process and document artifacts. Conclusion: registry specification of UN/CEFACT should not be limited to Core Components only
Open issue: Context Methodology development is on the way – other projects should start to think about the integration of context concepts 88 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC) based on Core Component Library (CCL) conforms to use core component definitions derive XML-Schema Naming and Design Rules (NDR) conforms to define unambiguous derivation rules Core Data Type Catalogue UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology (UMM) UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Integration of context concepts
We develop where effective standards, but do not really work together very well – CSDAT shall help to overcome that 9 ATG TMG ICG FMG CSDAT
The purpose of CSDAT – hold together and bring in line 10 Process perspective Document perspective Context (UCM) UN/CEFACT registry CSDAT NDR SBDH UPCC CCTS UPCC …
Second purpose of CSDAT: How to I effectively use the different CEFACT Technologies to reach my goal? 11