Family Named for his cousin Married Zelda Sayre Had one child, Frances Scott Fitzgerald Late in Life Fell in love with Sheilah Graham http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/3246039.jpg?v=1&c=ViewImages&k=2&d=DCB332A6E7C66BD3793ABBF7E5F94BD3A55A1E4F32AD3138
Background Born St. Paul, Minnesota, 1896 Four years Princeton Army during WWI Lived in New York http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americannovel/timeline/images/fitzgerald_pic.jpg
Early Works Started with periodicals Tales of the Jazz Age This Side of Paradise Frightened of fame and prosperity http://www.sc.edu/fitzgerald/jpegs/tsop.jpeg
Bumps in the Road Alcohol abuse Didn’t see his daughter much Wife went crazy; died in 1948 Wrote The Crack Up (downward spiral) http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/t011/T011863A.jsm
Most Famous Works The Great Gatsby Tender Is The Night The Last Tycoon The Beautiful and the Damned http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/BOOK/BD021~The-Great-Gatsby-by-F-Scott-Fitzgerald-Posters.jpg
Lifestyle Extravagant living Experienced both sides of American Dream World Traveler Moved many times http://www.asa.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/FA48566E-D3E0-4660-9588-0ED6802E3F42/0/alcohol.jpg
Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald Born 1900, Montgomery, Alabama Artist, Writer, and Dancer Pursuit of Dancing career caused first nervous breakdown Wrote her only novel from the hospital http://www.flapperjane.com/July%20August/ZELDA.jpg
His Last Years Continued fight with alcohol Died of a heart attack December 21, 1940 in Graham’s apartment Believed himself a failure http://runningthroughrain.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/f-scott-fitzgerald.gif
Works Cited A Brief Life of Fitzgerald. 2003. University of South Carolina. 6 February 2008. http://www.sc.edu/fitzgerald/biography.html The Sensible Thing: Biographies. PBS. 5 February 2008. http://www.pbs.org/kteh/amstorytellers/bios.html F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography. 1996-2007. Biography.com. 4 February 2008. http://www.biography.com/search/article.do?id=9296261 F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby. 2008. C-SPAN. 4 February 2008. http://www.americanwriters.org/writers/fitzgerald.asp