With support from: Talking About Housing: Developing Effective Messages
2 This research was conducted by Patricia McCaig of McCaig Communications Initial message development and concepts to be tested arose out of the Neighborhood Partnership Fund’s “Talking About Housing” workgroup on Media and Messages, led by Lawrence Wallack, Dr PH, of Portland State University. Our sincere thanks to Larry Wallack and our many workgroup partners for their contributions to this effort
3 Survey Methodology Sample 600 interviews of registered voters. 200 each - Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties Method Telephone interviews conducted August 31- September 2, 2004 +/- 4% margin of error
4 Purpose Probe public awareness and general attitudes about affordable housing; Identify affordable housing priorities & key beneficiaries; and Test different messages and messengers.
5 Presentation Outline Background/Awareness Attitudes Priorities
6 Interesting Demographics Homeownership: 81% of survey respondents were homeowners % own home 61% no % own home 13% no % own home 14% no Plan to buy or sell home in next 5 years? 33% plan to buy or sell 67% no Of those who own home (81%) 29% plan to buy or sell home) 71% no
7 Now I’d like you to think about income levels for a family of four in your community – what would you guess is the middle income for a family of four? (Q5)
8 Thinking about the cost of housing in your community for a minute – when you think about the range of housing prices from the least expensive to the most expensive, what would you guess a house in the middle of the range would cost? (Q4)
9 Now, thinking about your community, how would you describe the availability of low cost housing? Split sample (Q6&7) Low Cost Housing
10 Now, thinking about your community, how would you describe the availability of affordable housing? Split sample (Q6&7) Affordable Housing
11 Now, thinking about your community, how would you describe the availability of low cost/affordable housing? Split sample (Q6&7) Low Cost HousingAffordable Housing
12 Attitudes
13 What are the top two issues you’d like to see your local elected officials do something about? (Q2) (open- ended) Education (General) Taxes Jobs/Unemployment Health Care/Insurance Road Construction/Maint Education Funding Safety/Law Enforcement Affordable Housing Crime/Drugs Control Growth Traffic
14 Now, I’d like to read you a list of issues facing your community today. Using a scale of 0 to 10, I’d like you to tell me how much each issue concerns you personally. (Q3) Very Concerned (8-10) The cost of healthcare Prep kids - college/work Guarantee funding for K-12 Prev crime/public safety Protecting water quality Not enough family wage jobs Improving roads/trans system Lack of affordable housing Lack of low cost housing
15 Lack of affordable housing (Q3) County Men/Women
16 Lack of low cost housing (Q3) County Men/Women
17 Next, I’m going to read you two different statements about government’s role in providing more affordable housing in your community. Please tell me which statement most accurately reflects your point of view. ( Q10) Statement A “Hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to personal achievement – including home ownership. Government programs already do enough to take care of the needy in our community. Providing affordable housing is just another handout & make it harder for people to succeed.” Statement B “A core belief in America has been that if you worked hard you could afford a decent home. Today, someone who earns minimum wage cannot afford a one-bedroom apartment at fair market rent anywhere in America. Government should help anyone who works afford a decent home, even if they make minimum wage.”
18 Next, I’m going to read you different statements some people make about affordable housing. Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement. (Q8) Strongly Agree Hard-working people should be able to afford housing/still have $ for food & basic necessities. Children deserve an opportunity to succeed in school / life, which is tied to having a stable home. Housing gives people opport. to build better lives. To succeed, you need a place to call home. It’s only fair that everyone has a safe, decent place to live. Family home buying power has not kept pace with the rise in home prices. Communities are stronger when they provide a range of housing for different income levels
19 (Q8) (continued) Strongly Agree If people want to own a home they need to earn it. Investing in housing is good for our economy because it creates local jobs. Jobs come first, affordable housing will follow. Low income working families cannot find affordable housing. Local government should help provide a range of affordable housing for individuals/ and families in their communities. Government spending on affordable housing saves $ for other services - health care/public safety/jails.
20 Priorities
21 Now, I’d like to read you a list of different groups of people who may need assistance in securing an affordable place to live. Using a scale of 0 to 10, please rate each of the following. (combined 7-10) (Q9) High Priority (9-10)(7-8) 81% 72% 68% 65% 47% 52% 50% 44% 33% 31%
22 I’d like to ask you about your priorities for affordable housing funds. I’m going to read you some different affordable housing programs. Using a scale of 0 to 10, please rate the importance of each program for funding. (Q11) High Priority (9-10) Providing care services to low income residents who are disabled or can’t live totally independently. Providing emergency housing assistance for families facing sudden job loss, death or a serious health crisis. Providing housing for people with special needs. Assisting low income families and individuals with home repairs. Rehabilitating existing low income housing % 64% 63% 54% 55%
23 (Q11) Continued High Priority (9-10) Acquiring and preserving affordable units and rents. Providing housing for the homeless. Assisting low income individuals and families in becoming homeowners. Building more rental and low income housing for individuals and families. Providing rent assistance to low income people % 46% 44%
24 Finally, I’d like to read you some people and groups who might speak out on affordable housing needs. For each one, please tell me whether you would find them very believable in talking about affordable housing needs. (very and somewhat combined) (Q21) Very BelievableSomewhat Believable Oregon Food Bank Police and sheriffs Non profit / charitable groups Small business Neighborhood Associations Educators Religious leaders
25 (Q21) (very and somewhat combined) Continued Very BelievableSomewhat Believable League of Women Voters Local Chambers of Commerce Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Homebuilders Local elected officials Realtors Oregon Business Alliance Developers
26 Messages that Work Hardworking people should be able to afford housing and still have enough money for groceries and other basic necessities Children deserve an opportunity to succeed in school and life, which is tied to having a stable home Housing gives people an opportunity to build better lives. To succeed you need a place to call home Its only fair that everyone has a safe, decent place to live