BOP REENTRY STRATEGY Inmate Skills Development & Offender Workforce Development Harley G. Lappin Director Federal Bureau of Prisons Washington, DC December 3 - 4, 2010 ASCA’s ASCA’s All Directors Training Program
Second Chance Act Signed into law April 9, 2008 Signed into law April 9, 2008 Validates the Bureau’s skill-based model (Inmate Skills Development Initiative) and collaboration model (Offender Workforce Development) which comprise our Reentry Strategy Validates the Bureau’s skill-based model (Inmate Skills Development Initiative) and collaboration model (Offender Workforce Development) which comprise our Reentry Strategy
Second Chance Act Establishes a Federal Prisoner Reentry Strategy which requires the BOP to: Establishes a Federal Prisoner Reentry Strategy which requires the BOP to: - assess inmates skills, - assess inmates skills, - generate individualized skill development plans, - generate individualized skill development plans, - determine program assignments, - determine program assignments, - prioritize high-risk populations, - prioritize high-risk populations, - collaborate with external entities, - collaborate with external entities, - provide annual reporting to Congress on progress, - provide annual reporting to Congress on progress, - and other related activities. - and other related activities.
Reentry Skill Sets Reentry Skill SetsACADEMIC Intellectual Functioning Literacy Language Computer Skills VOCATIONAL / CAREER Employment History Career Development Institution Work History Post-Incarceration Employment Employment INTERPERSONAL Family Background Family Ties / Support System Parental Responsibility Relationships Communications WELLNESS Health Promo/Disease Prev Disease/Illness Management Transitional Plan Government Assistance
Reentry Skill Sets MENTAL HEALTH Substance Abuse Management Mental Illness Management Transitional Plan Appropriate Sexual Behavior CHARACTER Personal Character Personal Character Personal Responsibility Personal ResponsibilityCOGNITIVE General Behavior Criminal History Domestic Violence/Abuse Criminal Behavior LEISURE Use of Leisure Time DAILY LIVING $ Money Management $ Food Management $ Personal Hygiene/Sanitation $ Transportation $ Identification $ Housing $ RRC Placement $ Family Care
Next Steps Develop standardized evidence-based programs to address skill deficits Develop standardized evidence-based programs to address skill deficits Standardize requirements for Mock Job Fairs and Career Resource Centers Standardize requirements for Mock Job Fairs and Career Resource Centers Continue to develop partnerships to expand reentry resources and address barriers Continue to develop partnerships to expand reentry resources and address barriers Enhance mentoring for community transition Enhance mentoring for community transition Refocus volunteers to assist with targeted skill development Refocus volunteers to assist with targeted skill development
Next Steps Evaluate impact of strategies and programs on overall recidivism Evaluate impact of strategies and programs on overall recidivism Enhance quality of data collection Enhance quality of data collection Increase data and information sharing with partner agencies Increase data and information sharing with partner agencies Increase offender workforce development consistent with labor market forecasting Increase offender workforce development consistent with labor market forecasting
What is the OWD Partnership? At the National Level… Comprised of Federal Government agencies and national organizations. Comprised of Federal Government agencies and national organizations. Working together to provide overall assistance and guidance for local partnerships engaged in defendant/offender workforce development. Working together to provide overall assistance and guidance for local partnerships engaged in defendant/offender workforce development. Focused on identifying strategies and alternatives for organizational and legal barriers impacting workforce development and related reentry resource objectives for returning offenders. Focused on identifying strategies and alternatives for organizational and legal barriers impacting workforce development and related reentry resource objectives for returning offenders.
Defendant / Offender Workforce Development Conference April 18-21, 2011 San Francisco, CA
Thank You! For more information: National Reentry Affairs Branch