FORESTRY COMMISSION How the organisation fits together
2 THE FORESTRY COMMISSION The Forestry Commission is a statutory body and non-Ministerial Government Department with responsibility for forestry throughout Great Britain. Under the Devolution Settlement, the Forestry Commission was designated a cross border public authority i.e. a GB body delivering a devolved subject. Therefore, it now exercises its powers and duties separately, and receives separate funding, in England, Scotland and Wales. The Commission has a statutorily appointed Board of Commissioners consisting of a Chairman and up to ten other Forestry Commissioners, who are appointed by The Queen on the recommendation of Ministers.
3 FORESTRY MINISTERS Sarah Boyack Barry GardinerTamsin Dunwoody Ross Finnie David MilibandIan Pearson Carwyn Jones Scotland GB & England Wales
4 FORESTRY COMMISSIONERS Lord Clark Tim Rollinson Paul Hill-Tout Bob McIntosh Ian Forshaw Chairman Director General Director, England Director, Scotland Director, Wales Tayo Adebowale (England) Martin Gale (Scotland) Calum MacDonald (Scotland) Jon Owen Jones (Wales) Sir Harry Studholme (England) Judith Webb (Wales)
6 FUNCTIONS OF THE FC The FC is structured on a functional basis, as follows: COUNTRY - Functions which are fully devolved e.g Forest Operations & Forest Policy CO-ORDINATED - Devolved functions where co-ordination is needed between countries e.g Timber & Recreation Marketing SHARED - Functions where a single provider gives a best solution e.g HR & IT Services GB (NOT DEVOLVED) - Functions essential to the integrity of a single body e.g FC Aims, HR policy
8 FC - CONSERVANCIES National Office, England - Cambridge Conservancies: North East England North West England Yorkshire & the Humber East Midlands West Midlands London East England South East England South West England National Office, Scotland - Edinburgh Conservancies: Highland Grampian Central Scotland South Scotland Perth & Argyll National Office, Wales - Aberystwyth
9 FC AGENCIES Forest Enterprise Scotland, Forest Enterprise England and Forest Research are Executive agencies Executive agencies were introduced to deliver government services more efficiently and effectively They are part of the Civil Service but, under the terms of individual framework documents and subject to overall budgets agreed with their parent department and/or the Treasury, they have the delegated authority to employ their own staff and to organise service provision in ways best suited to meet customer needs Options considered before an agency is formed include abolition, privatisation, contracting-out, merger or rationalisation of a given government function
12 FOREST ENTERPRISE - DISTRICTS Forest Enterprise Agency England FE England Head Office - Bristol Districts: Kielder North West England North York Moors Sherwood & Lincs Northants East Anglia West Midlands Forest of Dean South East England New Forest Peninsula Forest Districts in Wales: Coed y Gororau Coed y Mynydd Llanymddyfri Coed y Cymoedd Forest Enterprise Agency Scotland FE Scotland Head Office - Inverness Districts: Galloway Ae Scottish Borders Scottish Lowlands Cowal & Trossachs West Argyll Lorne Lochaber Fort Augustus Tay Inverness Moray Dornoch Aberdeenshire
13 FOREST RESEARCH Established as a GB Executive Agency of the Forestry Commission on 1 April Britain's principal organisation for forestry and tree related research. Employs over 270 staff across England, Scotland and Wales. Most staff are located at research stations in Hampshire and Midlothian with the remainder working in network of field stations. Funded by the Forestry Commission with Corporate and Forestry Support acting as purchaser of research and other services in support of forestry in Britain. Regular collaboration with other research organisations world-wide.
14 FOREST RESEARCH FR’s aims are: To assist the Forestry Commission in achieving its high level objectives; On behalf of all three (devolved UK) administrations, to take the lead in development and promotion of sustainable forest management and to support its achievement internationally; To support and enhance forestry and its role in sustainable development by providing high-quality research and development in a well-run organisation. FR’s objectives are: To inform and support forestry’s contribution to the development and delivery of the policies of the UK government and the devolved administrations; To provide research, development and monitoring services relevant to UK forestry interests; To transfer knowledge actively and appropriately.
15 FOREST RESEARCH Chief Executive Professor Jim Lynch Field Stations Where an extensive network of field trials, sample plots and monitoring sites are assessed. Alice Holt Research Station FR HQ Northern Research Station