Service Mergers: Opportunity or Threat?
Opportunity or Threat?
Cardiff & the Vale – Merger Opportunities through reducing costs, accessing alternative funding, delivering income generating practical works and services Increase sustainability through merging offices, centralising administration functions, streamlining / leaning processes Improve efficiencies through building on existing best practice, delivering equitable services Improve service delivery through developing innovative services, marketing services Strengthen our position in the sector
Cardiff & the Vale – Merger Threats fail to establish a management body of trustees that effectively governs the new organisation Governance fail to plan for, and establish, a new organisation which can deliver the charitable objects Operational framework the new organisation fails to achieve buy-in from existing partners Partners failure to manage the process of transition from the two organisations to the new charity effectively Transition insufficient resources available to effect and sustain the merger Costs and resources
Opportunity or Threat? Merged Agency Social Enterprise
Opportunity or Threat? Social Enterprise Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency Merged Agency S E