The Influence of Scope and Timing of Reliability Assurance in B2B E-Commerce Symposium on Information Systems Assurance
Advance the use of assurance to support e-commerce in a B2B setting. Initial seals by CPAs in B2C unsuccessful. B2B more promising, but what type of report is valued? –Specific information or general system –Point in time or Continuous Do we care?
Do we find support? Scope –Coordination more important suggests systems assurance more important –Motivation more important suggests information more important Timing –Both coordination and motivation costs suggest continuous more valued than static Transaction Cost Economics
Do we test? B2B Exchange setting –Target market for assurance –High transaction costs 2 X 2 Experiment –Scope Systems or Information –Timing Static or Continuous
95 purchasing professionals –Av. age 42 years –Av. Purchasing experience 10 years –Av. online purchasing 45% –Gender 61% male Participated?
Do we find?
Other Factors Influencing Decision –Design of web site (+) –Overall propensity to trust (+) –Specific trust in purchasing context (+) –Complexity of technology (-) –Years of purchasing experience (-) Do we find?
Not much support for formal assurance reports in the B2B exchange setting –Reports should be continuous –Reports can have a negative impact Still much work to be done –Can’t conclude assurance is not valuable Are our conclusions?
The Influence of Scope and Timing of Reliability Assurance in B2B E-Commerce Symposium on Information Systems Assurance