I NTRODUCTION For our activity we have special guests, teachers and students from our school partners from Poland and Turkey, as well as grandparents from “Imparatii Constantin si Elena ” Nursing Home. We are happy to have you in our school. Today’s activity has three parts: In the first part the Romanian students present their projects about a certain medicinal plants, as it can be seen from the displayed boards. In the second part grandparents are invited to share from their experience regarding the uses of medicinal plants. The last part is an interactive workshop, in which Polish and Turkish students are invited to take part together with the Romanian students. tinctura de catina - sea buckthorn tincture infuzie de tei - linden infusion mucilagiu de in - flax seeds mucilage pulbere de macese - rose hip powder
O BJECTIVE The objective of today’s activity is the knowledge of the importance of some useful herbs and of the methods of using them
S EA BUCKTHORN ( H IPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES ) - USES Relieves cough Antibacterial and antioxidant action Fights against gastrointestinal diseases Recommended in skin diseases, burns, frostbite In the cure of toxic hepatitis, constipation and beriberi In the treatment of toxic hepatitis, constipation and beriberi Laxative effect Treats rheumatism, diabetes, gout; Helps to eliminate uric acid and oxalic acid Fights against colds Fructe de cătină Sea buckthorn fruit
F LAX SEEDS ( L INUM USITATISSIMUM ) USES Easy laxatives, they are used for long-term treatment of constipation and bowel diseases Have anticancer effects In the treatment of urolithiasis, in colitis, enterocolitis, in bladder inflammation Prevent and effectively combat migraines Have sedative role and increase resistance to stress of the nervous system Lowers the level of cholesterol Semine de in Flax seeds
R OSE HIPS ( R OSA CANINA L.) - P ROPERTIES Contains a great amount of vitamin C Antiscorbutic effect Stimulates intermediary metabolism Biosynthesis of collagen and steroid hormones Regulates catecholamine levels Activates the immune system Vasodilating, diuretic and soothing effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, moderate stabilization of blood glucose Increases body effort resistance Fructe de măce Rose hipes fruit
L INDEN ( T ILIA TOMENTOSA ) - U SES Linden flowers and bracts are : Central nervous system sedatives Painkillers and antispasmotics Perspiration Lime wood has : Choleretic and cholagogue action Loose hypotensive action Depurative action Flori de tei Linden flowers
M ETHODSS OF USING HERBS : Powders Infusion Decoction Maceration Tinctures Medicinal wines Ointmen
MULŢUMESC! Thank you!