® a_aquino Strategic Planning Cambodia NTFP Working Group 22 nd May 2009 Phnom Penh
Outline of the Meeting 1. Background.. why we are here today 2. Objectives of the workshop 3. Results of key informant interviews (KII) and survey 4. Goal (overall goal at the national and network level) 5. Objectives and strategies; and structure of coordination 6. Major activities, expected results, and timeline
Objectives of the workshop To formulate a general outline and framework of a 3-year strategic plan of the Cambodia NTFP Working Group building on the results of Survey (April 29 meeting and ) Individual interviews This meeting-workshop
Results of key informant interviews (KII) and survey 1. Gains from being part of the Network 2. Situations and issues that are difficult to address without a network 3. Suggested flow of facilitating the Network activities
Gains… Information, knowledge, exposure NTFPs in Cambodia and outside Markets Product development About community development work About indigenous peoples Forest resource management, incl. tenure instruments Technical support and advising Enterprise development Marketing strategy Direct extension services and facilities Links to buyers; buying contracts
..difficult without a network.. Uplifting the plight of indigenous peoples especially their livelihoods Rationalising development efforts / efficiency in project activities Strengthening the technical capacities of an organisation, especially on its complementary programmes Engagement between the communities and the private sector Making NTFP development efforts in Cambodia known at the national and regional levels
What you’d like to happen in the future.. Technical capacity in NTFP livelihood development Capacity building Training on enterprise development Market access Fundraising and resource sharing Pro-poor value chains for CBOs Networking Information exchange Policy work Business plan development Advocacy initiatives Enterprise visioining at the community level How to help CBEs run and go wellDocumentation Legal support to community Technologies and skills upgrading Exchange of experience
How you’d like it to happen
Each organisation as a partner-member Defined and agreed upon “network facilitation procedure” Defined and agreed upon “roles and responsibilities” Collaborative work between two partners or among three or more partners or all Started with NGOs.. How about government offices now?..community groups? NTFP-EP as a member and as the Facilitator of the Network
“Network Facilitation Procedure” Strategic Plan developed and agreed upon by everyone Nominated or assigned “facilitator” (with set of criteria) Defined frequency of meeting Monitoring of implementation of activities Reporting of status of planned activities Evaluation of impacts created Information dissemination of milestones (e.g., newsletter, case study reports, etc..)
Strategic plan Goal Objective Strategy Expected result Activity Group (or Progamme)
Let’s all start on the same page.. Goal/ Vision Projected state or condition that we, as a network, hope to see in the future “the light at the end of the tunnel” Objective Desired change that the Network will achieve Strategy A general means or a way to achieve the objectives. Achieving each objective may be done through one strategy or combination of a number of strategies Expected result The outputs that once completed will show (in part or in whole) that the objectives are being met Activity (or Progamme) Thematic or logical grouping of activities to be done to deliver the expected results by the end of the strategic plan period (which then will show accomplishment of the objectives)
Strategy 1 Result Objective 1 Result Objective 2 Result Objective 3 Result Goal Strategy 2Strategy 3Strategy 4Strategy 5 Programme BProgramme AProgramme C
Goal/Vision (overall goal at the national and network level) Projected (very long term) state or condition that we, as a network, hope to see in the future “the light at the end of the tunnel”.. that forest communities are capable of sustainably improving their livelihoods and claiming their rights while managing their forests for future generations..
Objectives Desired changes that the Network will achieve 1. Partner-members have better and more relevant information that they can use in designing and running their respective programmes 2. Partner-members have more resources and capacity improvement (e.g., funds, training, etc.) 3. Partner-members are effectively implementing NTFP programmes at the community level, whether directly or indirectly 4. Partner-members are capable of raising the awareness of other stakeholders on the benefits and roles of NTFPs in sustainable forest management and livelihood development; and of encouraging these stakeholders to contribute to the Network.
Expected results The outputs that once completed will show (in part or in whole) that the objectives are being met 1. National forum conducted 2. Brokered or negotiated contracts with buyers/traders 3. Participated in trade fairs and exhibitions 4. Provincial forum conducted 5. Fully functional community-based NTFP enterprises (CBNEs) established 6. Industry-level interventions initiated (VCA) 7. Published position papers re: policy reform 8. Community groups conducting their own participatory NR assessment 9. Case studies developed and published 10. CBNE operations manual published 11. Website of the Network 12. Common brand ! 13. Capital funds for CBNEs generated and reinvested 14. Training for staff completed 15. Project funds granted
Expected results The outputs that once completed will show (in part or in whole) that the objective is being met National forum conducted Provincial forum conducted Website Exchange visits conducted Participated in trade fairs Fully functional CBNEs established Position papers on policy reform Communities conducting their own participatory NRM Common brand! Case studies conducted and published Brokered contracts with buyers Industry-level interventions initiated (as a result of VCA) CBNE Operations Manual published CBNE capital funds generated Training for staff completed Project funds granted
Expected results for each objective For example, for the objective.... That each and all partners have sufficient information that they can use in designing and running their respective programmes.. The following results are expected to be completed to show that we are achieving this objective. National forum conducted Provincial forum conducted Website Exchange visits conducted Participated in trade fairs Position papers on policy reform Case studies conducted and published CBNE Operations Manual published Training for staff
For the objective.... That each and all partners have resources and capacity improvement (e.g., funds, training, etc.).. The following results are expected to be completed to show that we are achieving this objective. National forum conducted Provincial forum conducted Website Exchange visits conducted Participated in trade fairs CBNE capital funds generated Training for staff completed Project funds granted
For the objective.... That each and all partners are implementing NTFP programmes at the community level, whether directly or indirectly.. The following results are expected to be completed to show that we are achieving this objective. National forum conducted Provincial forum conducted Website Exchange visits conducted Participated in trade fairs Fully functional CBNEs established Position papers on policy reform Communities conducting their own participatory NRM Common brand! Case studies conducted and published Brokered contracts with buyers Industry-level interventions initiated (as a result of VCA) CBNE Operations Manual published CBNE capital funds generated
Strategies The general means, or ways, or approaches to achieve the objectives. Achieving each objective may be done through one strategy or combination of a number of strategies 1. Policy advocacy 2. Institutional capacity building 3. Fund raising 4. Research, education, and information dissemination 5. Common indicator monitoring system General strategy: Networking and building collaborative efforts
Major Activities or Programmes Thematic or logical grouping of activities to be done to deliver the expected results by the end of the strategic plan period (which then will show accomplishment of the objectives)
From the expected results.. National forum conducted Brokered contracts with buyers/traders Participated in trade fairs and exhibitions Provincial forum conducted Fully functional CBNEs established Industry-level interventions initiated (VCA) Published position papers re: policy reform Community groups conducting their own participatory NR assessment Case studies developed and published CBNE operations manual published Website of the Network Common brand ! Capital funds for CBNEs generated and reinvested Training for staff completed Project funds granted
Programmes and expected results Livelihood and Land Rights National forum conducted Provincial forum conducted Published position papers re: policy reform Case studies developed and published Training for staff completed Project funds granted CBNE Development Fully functional CBNEs established Brokered contracts with buyers/traders Community groups conducting their own participatory NR assessment CBNE operations manual published Capital funds for CBNEs generated / reinvested Training for staff completed Project funds granted Market Positioning Participated in trade fairs and exhibitions Industry-level interventions initiated (VCA) Website of the Network Common brand ! Training for staff completed Project funds granted Livelihood and Land Rights Community-Based NTFP Enterprise Development Market Positioning
Major Activities or Programmes Thematic or logical grouping of activities to be done to deliver the expected results by the end of the strategic plan period (which then will show accomplishment of the objectives) 1. Livelihood and Land Rights 2. CBNE Development 3. Market Positioning
“ONE VOICE” Community-Based NTFP Enterprise Development “CLEAR VOICE” Livelihood and Forest Tenure Rights “LOUD VOICE” Market Positioning Policy advocacy Result Partner-members have sufficient information that they can use in designing and running their respective programmes Result Partner-members have resources and capacity improvement opportunities (e.g., funds, training, etc.) Result Partner-members are implementing NTFP programmes at the community level, whether directly or indirectly Result forest communities are capable of sustainably improving their livelihoods and claiming their rights while managing their forests for future generations Institutional capacity building Fund raising Research, education, & info dissemination Common monitoring indicator system Networking and building collaborative efforts Partner-members are capable of raising the awareness of other stakeholders on the benefits and roles of NTFPs..
Hanging questions.. Do we continue to leave our doors open to new comers?.. yes How about community-based organisations (CBOs) and government offices? yes How often do we convene? For what purpose shall we meet regularly? 2x a year Oct2nd wk Criteria for Facilitator? For how long? Do we formalise our roles and responsibilities? (MOU?)
® a_aquino Maraming salamat po. Soum Orkun