Powerpoint Jeopardy Points of Research 4 th grade Parts of a Book 4 th and 5 th grade Parts of a Book 5 th grade Parts of a Book Non-Fiction Resources
This is a book of maps.
These books come in an alphabetically arranged set, used to find facts about people, places, or things.
This book is used to find the definition (meaning), part of speech, word tenses, origin, pronunciation, or word used in a sentence.
This book is used to find synonyms or antonyms for words.
This is the last and, sometimes least reliable, place you should look to find facts.
These are usually in large font or bold print and put chapters into sections.
These are usually in large font or bold print and place headings into sections.
This type of print is used to make words appear larger. For example: The planets rotate around the sun.
These are usually in large font or bold print, found in the table of contents, and they section off the book.
This type of print expresses thoughts, and names of books or boats.
This is the first or second page of the book restating the title, author, and/or illustrator.
An introductory part by the author setting forth the books purpose, giving background knowledge, or acknowledging others for their help.
A list of sources (books and Websites) used to gather information for a report, book, or project.
A brief summary of the book or topic.
This is supplemental material found at the end of the book usually in historical fiction books. It gives further information about the topic in the book, bibliographical in nature.
This page comes after the title page and gives a list of the chapter headings and their page numbers.
This section of the book is located in the back giving you topics in the book and their page numbers.
This section of the book is located in the back giving you words from the book and their definitions meanings of the word).
This is a small section giving information about the author of the book.
This page in the book could be found in the back of a leaf of a book, the back of a book, or the back of the title page; back or left-side of a page of a book that usually contains copyright and publisher information.
This type of book would give you a few pages of factual information about George W. Bush, the United States of America, or soccer.
This is a book written about the facts of one year. This book tells weather occurrences, phases of the moon, top-selling movies, books, and sports teams.
This is a book written about a real person by a different person.
This type of book is written about the author of the book. For example: Bill Peet : an autobiography Written by Bill Peet
A written account about another person’s life.
Powerpoint Jeopardy Points of Research 4 th grade Parts of a Book 4 th and 5 th grade Parts of a Book 5 th grade Parts of a Book Non-Fiction Resources atlasHeadingsTitle PageTable of Contents Encyclopedia EncyclopediasSubheadingsPrefaceIndexAlmanac dictionaryBold PrintBibliographyGlossaryBiography ThesaurusChapter Headings SynopsisAuthor Information Autobiography InternetItalicsAppendixVerso PageBiography