Indicator 13 Assessment Webcast Section 6: Validation and Verification Activities
Make sure the volume on Media Site live is turned up (the volume button located beneath the speaker’s picture). Make sure the volume on your computer is turned up (volume icon located on the right hand side of your computer task bar) Contact your IT department Audio Difficulties?
Audio Difficulties, cont If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can access the speaker notes by clicking on the following link, asmt-validation.ppt. When the PowerPoint presentation opens, right click on the screen. Select “full screen.” Right click again and select “speaker notes.” The notes will appear in a small box which can be moved and will automatically change as the slides change. asmt-validation.ppt
Validation Activities Accuracy of the Indicator 13 Assessment Selection All LEAs eligible for validation selection! Department Review Revisions
Verifying Noncompliance is Corrected Assurances (Due February 15, 2012!) Corrective Action Department Review
Completing the Self-Assessment Process A letter closing the Indicator 13 Assessment process will be sent when: Assurances have been received Verification of corrective of noncompliance Verification of correct implementation of requirements.