Mineral Policy and Promotion
Beneficiation Actively Contribute Towards Sustainable Development and Growth Increased investment in the Minerals and Energy sectors in South Africa Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source ConstraintsCorrective Action Increased mineral beneficiation levels Develop beneficiation implementation plan Publication of implementation plan for beneficiation Strategy developed. Consultation still underway until November This plan is dependent on the approval of the beneficiation strategy by Cabinet. The strategy was only approved by Cabinet in March for consultation and has been circulated to stakeholders for comments
Security of Energy Supply Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Increased investment in the Minerals and Energy sectors in South Africa Branch Outcome Branch InitiativesMeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source Improved planning capability for energy security of supply Provide input commodity information/ intelligence to the electricity, nuclear and hydro- carbons Units Economic Impact of uranium in nuclear power electricity Achieved (publication) Development in the economic contribution of hydrocarbons (coal and methane)) coal and uranium strategies have been developed. Internal consultation.
Mine Closure Strategy Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Stabilized and safe land for alternative use Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source Reduced cumulative impact in mined areas Facilitate the implementation of water ingress and regional mine closure strategies (Wits basin) Publish Mine Closure Strategy (Witwatersrand and KOSH) in Government Gazette. Achieved (finalised documents) Public comments being consolidated.
Mining Charter Review Regulate the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, safer and cleaner Effective Regulatory framework Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source ConstraintsCorrective Action Effective regulatory framework Review of the impact of Mining Charter Consultation with relevant stakeholders on the compliance indicators finalized Assessment still underway, report to be presented to Minister end October. Consultation with stakeholders is still in progress A service provider has been appointed to assess the impact of the Mining Charter on the industry
Small Scale Mining Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Broader participation in the Minerals and Energy Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives Measure s Results / Progress & Verification Source New jobs created in these sectors Establish sustainable SMME sectors in mining and mineral beneficiation Implement 15 new Small Scale mining sustainable projects Achieved
MIGDETT Mining Industry Growth, Development and Employment Task Team DMR Initiative in collaboration with Business and Labour Mitigate job losses in the Mining Industry Ensured that all options are explored before resorting to retrenchments Maintained level of job losses significantly below the envisaged levels – over was envisaged but due the intervention job loses are at The task team is also mandated to prepare for maximum benefit for the country during the upswing.
Small Scale Mining Redress past imbalances Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source Increased number of HDSA’s and women participation. Process application. Number of rights granted to HDSA’sNumber of women led companies licensed Evaluate empowerment transactions
Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source Conduct industry workshops Number of workshops conducted 9 Improved level of compliance with all seven pillars of the mining charter Conduct workshops for HDSA and women compliance issues. Number of workshops conducted 29
Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source Reduced level of poverty around mining and labour sending areas Promote creation of :Sustainable human settlement. Ongoing Social infrastructure development and projects. Ongoing 31 infrastructure projects, which include- multipurpose centre, clinics libraries, local schools, training centres water supply, sewerage pipeline, waste water treatment, bakeries and road infrastructure.
Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verification Source Sound environmental management Evaluate EMPs, monitor and ensure compliance Number of inspections 1742 Sustainable development through mineral resources Evaluate PWP & MWP’s, monitor and ensure compliance Number of inspections 304
Actively contribute towards sustainable development and growth Broader participation in the Minerals and Energy Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verificatio n Source Reduced government environmental risk and liability Implement rehabilitation of ownerless and derelict mines projects Number of rehabilitation projects. Five are currently in the process of implementation. Eight and Osizweni to be implemented in the next financial year. Improved effective and efficient administration Implement approved administrative systems and controls Effective and efficient systems and controls Systems and controls are in place. Monthly report on maintenance of systems and controls submitted internally.
Create an environment for effective and efficient service delivery Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verificatio n Source A structure that is compatible with the mandate of the branch. Unqualified AG report All findings raised in Auditor- General’s management letter were addressed and maintained on a regular basis. Review structure and make recommendations to CS Number of new posts created. Entire branch is under review by PriceWaterhous e Coopers.
Create an environment for effective and efficient service delivery Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verificatio n Source Number of vacancies filled. 80% is maintained Recruit skilled staff Decrease the extent mismatch of personnel and posts No Mismatch
Govern the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, cleaner and safer Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verificatio n Source Conduct internal workshops and training. Number of training workshops conducted 16 Consistent turnaround time for processing applications. Processing of applications. Number of applications processed within prescribed time frames. No Backlog
Govern the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, cleaner and safer Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verificatio n Source Effective regulation Develop enforcement guidelines Monitor and enforce compliance. Number of guidelines developed 3 guidelines developed and approved. Number of inspections conducted. 304 Improved security of tenure. Registration of rights Number of days to effect registration Not all rights are registered within 30 days.
Govern the minerals and energy sectors to be healthier, cleaner and safer Branch Outcome Branch Initiatives MeasuresResults / Progress & Verificatio n Source Recording of permits Number of days to record permits Not all permits are recorded within 14 days.