JTPF Japanese Terrestrial Planet Finder JTPF Japanese Terrestrial Planet Finder M. Tamura (NAOJ) JTPF Working Group TPF-C coronagraph WS :15-15:30 (15 min)
Exoplanet/Disk Exploration Approaches in Japan ~ Indirect detection of exoplanets Doppler (N2K survey) & Transit ongoing SPICA 3.5m 2015? AKARI 0.7m B. Disk evolution & Exo-zodi - disk late stage - spectroscopy 3. Spectroscopy of disks & outer planets 2006 Subaru 8.2m Subaru/ HiCIAO/ AO188 & ExAO ~2018 JTPF 3.5m 2018? 4. Direct observations of Earth-like planets 2A. Direct imaging of protoplanetary/ debris disks & young massive planets ongoing and near-future Ground Space ELT/ instrument? 2016?
JTPF/High Contrast Space Telescope Tele- scope 3.5m off-axis single aperture Wave- length optical and near-IR ( λ0.5micron 、 λλ0.2-5micron) w/ limited UV capability Launch~2018 Lifetime5-10 yr OrbitSun-Earth L2 Instru- ments Opt-NIR coronagraph Wide-field NIR/Opt instruments TBD: UV spectrometer JTPF/HCST makes full use of SPICA bus system with an optimization to shorter wavelengths. At present, an optical high contrast space telescope which realizes clean and stable images is under main discussions for the JTPF architecture. ○ =Earth at 8pc Subaru ETL HCST JWST Total FOV ~ 15’
JTPF formality and collaboration basis Project officially approved both by NAOJ and ISAS NAOJ/NINS: from April 2005, Phase A project approved, starting budget from MEXT Grant-in-Aids, 9 staff (PI: Tamura) ISAS/JAXA: from 2002, Working Group approved by the ISAS Science Steering Committee, ~40 members (PI: Shibai) Discussions have been made among both astronomy and planetary communities in Japan, and regarded one of the next possible programs at OPTICAL-IR (others are SPICA, ELT, JASMINE)
JTPF formality and collaboration basis Pre-Proposal (in Japanese) published in
JTPF formality and collaboration basis Original mission? Collaborations? Which areas? Japanese-lead JTPF is probably after SPICA (3.5m, MIR-FIR, ~2015) mission Coronagraph experience Subaru telescope NIR coronagraph (CIAO, HiCIAO) SPICA MIR coronagraph (Enya, Abe, Tanaka) Abe's talk Various coronagraph R&D (Nishikawa, Baba, Abe, Tavrov) Nishikawa's talk A wide-field option (Subaru prime-focus camera team, CCD) Interferometer experience SPICA cooler SPICA mirrors (C/SiC) Optical interferometer (MIRA at NAOJ, Nishikawa) Balloon FIR interferometer experiments (FITE by Shibai team)
JTPF formality and collaboration basis Original mission? Collaborations? Which areas? Science with Subaru (NIR), ASTRO-F (M&FIR), theories (simulations) NIR pre-survey of TPF/Darwin targets with the new AO coronagraph (Subaru/HiCIAO) see evening session (Tamura, Guyon) AKARI's MIR & FIR unbiased census of TPF/Darwin targets Active theoretical groups (Ida, Kokubo, Tanaka,,,) Good collaborations among observers, theoreticians, and dust team are on-going.
Observations Theory and Experiments Technical developments ground-based (SUBARU) space-based (ASTRO-F) Large-scale numerical simulations Laboratory experiments & simulations Detector development & exozodi ESP studies based on an MEXT fund “Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas” have started ( ). Morphology Composition Organizing exo-solar planet sciences in Japan NAOJU Tokyo/ISAS Tokyo I Tech./NAOJHokkaido U/Nagoya U ISAS 2006 Dec Intermediate WS 2008 TBD – International WS