Water Safety Plan Model in Nepal Gajendra Kumar Thakur
CONCEPT A management tool to achieve health based target of water supply schemes
WSP Model : Ten Steps Team formation System assessment Hazard analysis Control measures Monitoring plan Urgent corrective action Validation of control Verification system Assessments of user's satisfaction Documentation
Approaches for scaling up WSP Project wide Water Safety Plan Community wide Water Safety Plan
Implementation of WSP : case in rural water supply scheme Jante Water Supply Scheme, Morang
Jante Water Supply scheme Intake- 4 nos Transmission Pipe line- 4 km Distribution Pipeline- 20 km Storage tanks – 3 nos ( each 100 cum capacity) Taps- 23 nos ( public tap stand) Private taps-500 nos
Intake- 4 nos
Storage tanks – 3 nos ( each 100 cum capacity)
Result of WSP implementation Reduced concentration of E-Coli in water sample in the source( intake) ( from 100 to 10 cfu/100 ml) The WSP team is eager to take measures to make water E-coli free at intake sites Chlorine is being used to make water safe to drink
Challenges in WSP implementation Making WSP and integral part of project cycle for water supply project of various scale and settings
conclusion WSP model for urban and rural setting is being developed Project wide and community wide WSP implementation approach help to integrate WSP into the larger numbers of water supply projects
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