Discovering Your Motivational Gift (Part 3 of 3)
Three Kinds of Gifts: 1.Manifestation (1 Cor. 12) 2.Ministry (Eph. 4) 3.Motivational (Rom. 12)
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. 7 If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8 if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. Romans 12:6-8
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Perceiver Servant
Speaking as for God Serving with His strength Teacher Perceiver Exhorter Mercy Giver Server Administrator 30% 6% 17% 12% 6% 16% 13%
Obstacles that block flow of gifts 1.Envy 2.Irresponsibility 3.Sin/bondages (anger)
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Perceiver Servant spiritual
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Prophet Servant spiritual practical
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Prophet Servant spiritual practical mental
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Prophet Servant spiritual psychological practical mental
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Prophet Servant spiritual emotional material psychological practical mental You might be a giver if… Love to give time, talents, energy, finances Hospitable Can motivate others to give Impulsive/spontaneous Make friends easily Personally involved in giving Like to give anonymously Weaknesses: Skeptical of giving appeals Impulsive (not long-range planner) Hate vague projects Cornelius Acts 10
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Prophet Servant spiritual emotional material psychological practical mental You might be a mercy person if… Aware of others’ emotional needs Natural burden bearer for distressed Need for deep friendship Hate conflict Spontaneous & creative Live for present Look for good in others, non-critical Prefer not to be alone Weaknesses: Bear burden in own strength Deep feeler has liabilities Friendships replace intimacy with Christ Apostle John John 13:23
Administrator Mercy Giver Exhorter Teacher Prophet Servant spiritual functional emotional material psychological practical mental You might be an administrator if… Love to coordinate, facilitate, organize others Goal-oriented visionary Great respect for authority Strong will Won’t change mind Competitive Thrive on difficulties Will rise to lead if needed Weaknesses: Task before relationship Workaholic Often think they are not good enough to lead James (bro. of Jesus) Acts 12, 15, 21 1 Cor. 15:7
mind will emotions
mind will emotions C
mind will emotions C T
mind will emotions C T P
mind will emotions A P S C G T E
mind will emotions A P S C G T E
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Most likely to be friends
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Most likely to be friends
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Operate from heart, value neatness & tidiness Most likely to be friends
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Most likely to be introverts
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Conflict with other areas of soul
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Opposites clash
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Speaking gifts address conflict Serving gifts avoid conflict
mind will emotions A P S C G T E conflict
mind will emotions A P S C G T E conflict
mind will emotions A P S C G T E conflict
mind will emotions A P S C G T E conflict
mind will emotions A P S C G T E Other conflicts
Same Gift Conflicts + Advantages P = both think they’re right // strict standards S = competitive, outdo each other // great team T = argue over opinons // both love to read E = compete for attention // encourage each other G = other is stingy // both enjoy offering help/gifts M = indecisive & no motivation // capacity to love A = who’s in charge // harmony if authority defined
mind will emotions A P S C G T E
Have you received the greatest gift of all?