THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 1 Teleconference 8/30/2005 THEMIS Instrument FM2/3 Pre-Environmental Review System Overview Ellen Taylor University of California - Berkeley
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 2 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Requirement Verification Status Performance Requirements - MRD Verification and Tracking Process FM2-FM3 MRD Verification Status MRD Waivers, Liens and Outstanding Items Environmental Test Requirements - ETM Verification and Tracking Process FM2-FM3 ETM Verification Status ETM Waivers, Liens and Outstanding Items Instrument I&T Procedures List of Procedures, revision process Instrument As-Run I&T Flows FM2 As-Run I&T Flow FM3 As-Run I&T Flow Problem Failure Reports (PFRs) PFR Statistics PFR Status Overview
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 3 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Performance Verification Mission Requirements Document (MRD) Verification Process MRD Verification Matrix is available on-line at: Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/thm_sys_001G.1_MRD.xls Verification Method Column: provides a short statement on how the requirement will be verified by inspection (I), test (T) or analysis (A) Verification Documentation Column: provides the QA plan (I), test procedure (T) or analysis report (A) where the requirement is explicitly inspected, tested or analyzed Verification Result Column: provides the dates when the inspection, test or analysis was completed. A separate Verification Result column is provided for each Flight Model Color scheme provides indication of whether requirement was verified (GREEN), has yet to be verified (YELLOW), has not been met (RED), or has been waived (GREY). Example from THEMIS MRD Verification Matrix (thm_sys_001G.1_MRD.xls):
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 4 Teleconference 8/30/2005 MRD Verification Status 142 Instrument Specific Requirements; 123 Requirements have been verified (GREEN) 16 Requirements are pending (YELLOW) No pending requirements are considered liens for Instrument Suite Environmental Test REQUIREMENTSTATUS IN-13 Survival TemperaturePending Suite TV Test, component TV tests complete IN-14 Operating TemperaturePending Suite TV Test, component TV tests complete IN-16 Magnetic CleanlinessPending Suite Mag Survey, main offenders tested IN-17 Electrostatic CleanlinessPending Probe ESC Survey, components evaluated IN-18 ContaminationPending Suite TV TQCM monitoring, harness has been baked-out IN-21 Instrument Electrical ICD (IDPU-to-BAU)Pending Probe IDPU Integration, ETU I/F testing on-going IN-22 Instrument Mechanical ICDsPending Probe Instrument Integration, Hi-Fi Models integ. IN.ESA-13 ESA On-orbit CalibrationPending on-orbit calibration, ESA FM2/3 ground cal complete IN.SST-07, IN.SST-08 SST CalibrationPending FM2/3 calibration, FM1 cal w/modifications complete IN.DPU-01 IDPU/BAU Command InterfacePending SAI PFB 0051 resolution, ETU I/F testing on-going IN.DPU-05 FSW Data CompressionPending FSW V.X release, FSW bench test complete IN.DPU-15 FSW Science TLM (Burst, Triggers)Pending FSW V.X release, FSW bench test on-going IN.DPU-19 FSW Processing (Spin Fits/Sectors)Pending FSW V.X release, FSW bench test complete IN.DPU-26 IDPU/BAU Sun Pulse InterfacePending SAI PFB 0052 resolution, ETU I/F testing on-going IN.DPU-52 IDPU Box Thermal DesignPending IDPU/ESA TV Test, FM1 TV Test complete
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 5 Teleconference 8/30/2005 MRD Verification Status (cont.) 3 Requirements have been waived (GREY) IN.ESA-08: ESA Dayside Energy Flux Requirement: The ion ESA geometric factor shall be attenuated in the solar wind to avoid saturation. Waived: Requirement to measure the solar wind (SW) is met without attenuating the geometric factor. The AMPTEKs count at high enough rate and the angular width of the channels is small enough (1/4 and 1/2 of 22.5deg) to measure the SW speed and ion temperature/density without being saturated. The electron detector is also OK because the SW temperature is high enough to not need narrower view. IN.DPU-09: Stored Housekeeping Telemetry Requirement: The IDPU DCB shall not erase instrument housekeeping telemetry from memory unless commanded to do so Waived: Requirement to not erase instrument housekeeping telemetry in memory until commanded to do so is met by Probe Bus requirement PB.CDH-27. All instrument housekeeping telemetry (APID 404 and 406) is saved in the Probe BAU memory and erased only on command. Therefore, this is not a requirement on the DCB. IN.EFI-11: EFI Noise Level Requirement: The EFI noise level shall be below 1 x 10^-4 mV/m/sqrt(Hz). Waived: EFI measured noise level is 2 to 3 x 10^-4 mVm/sqrt(Hz). Slightly higher value does not have a significant impact on science measurement. 0 Requirements have not been met (RED)
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 6 Teleconference 8/30/2005 Environmental Test Verification Environmental Test Matrix (ETM) Tracking ETM is available on-line at: Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/ETM_TestRecord_7.xls ETM has evolved into a record of the test program as-run Each Instrument hardware item in ETM has fields for test description, test date, and reference procedure/report. PFR number is also noted if applicable. Applies to all instrument assemblies, subsystems and systems Example from THEMIS Environmental Test Matrix (ETM_TestRecord_7.xls):
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 7 Teleconference 8/30/2005 ETM Status Vibration Testing - Over 80 component Vibration Tests have been completed FM2/FM3 Vibration Testing Summary (W* indicates Workmanship vib): COMPONENTSPECIFICATIONPROCEDUREGrmsDATE FM2 FGM Sensor (FGS) FM3 FGM Sensor (FGS) SAI-TM-2508 (Acc)DLR-MDT DLR-MDT /28/04 to 07/02/04 FM2 FGM Boom (FGB) FM3 FGM Boom (FGB) SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-MBS-PRC-001C /09/05 06/16/05 FM2 SCM Sensor (SCM) FM3 SCM Sensor (SCM) SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-SCM-SC-TST-23 THM-SCM-SC-TST /10/04 to 12/13/04 02/10/05 to 02/11/05 FM2 SCM Pre-Amp FM3 SCM Pre-Amp SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-SCM-PA-TST-21 THM-SCM-PA-TST /20/04 to 09/21/04 02/07/05 to 02/08/05 FM2 SCM Boom (SCB) FM3 SCM Boom (SCB) SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-MBS-PRC-001C /09/05 06/16/05 FM2 IDPU FM3 IDPU SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-ESA-PRC TBDone 8/30/05 TBDone 9/01/05 FM2 ESA FM3 ESA SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-ESA-PRC TBDone 8/30/05 TBDone 9/01/05 FM2 SST (x2) FM3 SST (x2) SAI-TM-2655 (Acc)THM-SST-PRC /22/05, TBDone W* 05/16/05, TBDone W* FM2 EFI Axial (x2) FM3 EFI Axial (x2) SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-AXB-INT /07/05 02/25/05, 03/15/05 W* FM2 EFI Spin Plane (x4) FM3 EFI Spin Plane (x4) SAI-TM-2430-RevD (Acc)THM-SPB-PRO /06/04, 03/04/05 W* 03/04/05
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 8 Teleconference 8/30/2005 ETM Status (cont.) Thermal Vacuum Testing - Over 100 component TV Tests have been completed FM2/FM3 TV Testing Summary (note some test temps were increased to ensure no component would see more extreme temps in Suite TV): COMPONENTTEST TEMPSPREDICTSPROCEDUREDATE FM2 FGM Sensor (FGS) FM3 FGM Sensor (FGS) -120C to +75C-87C to +53CTHM-IWF-00307/ /03/04 09/ /12/04 FM2 FGM Boom (FGB) FM3 FGM Boom (FGB) -115C to +75C-94C to +69CTHM_MBS-PRC-002B THM_MBS-PRC-002D 06/23/05 06/27/05 FM2 SCM Sensor (SCM) FM3 SCM Sensor (SCM) -70C to +45C-59C to +38CTHM-SCM-TST-24 THM-SCM-TST-34 12/ /17/04 02/ /25/05 FM2 SCM Pre-Amp FM3 SCM Pre-Amp -45C to +55C-39C to +40CTHM-SCM-TST-22 THM-SCM-TST-32 10/ /04 02/ /16/05 FM2 SCM Boom (SCB) FM3 SCM Boom (SCB) -115C to +75C-94C to +69CTHM_MBS-PRC-002B THM_MBS-PRC-002D 06/23/05 06/27/05 FM2 IDPU FM3 IDPU -40C to +55C-18C to +39CTHM-ESA-PRC-016TBDone 9/05/05 FM2 ESA FM3 ESA -40C to +55C-20C to +37CTHM-ESA-PRC-016TBDone 9/05/05 FM2 SST (x2) FM3 SST (x2) -60C to +55C-50C to +12CTHM-SST-PRC-00304/ /03/05 TBDone FM2 EFI Axial (x2) FM3 EFI Axial (x2) -60C to +75C-41C to +64CTHM-AXB-INT-303C THM-AXB-INT-303D 02/ /11/05 03/ /09/05 FM2 EFI Spin Plane (x4) FM3 EFI Spin Plane (x4) -55C to +55C-8C to +45CTHM-SPB-PRO-42403/ /17/05 03/24, 04/04/05
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 9 Teleconference 8/30/2005 I&T Procedures Integration and Test Procedures All procedures are available on-line at: Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/thm_sys_000_DocumentList.xls Document List provides unique document number, title, POC, revision letter, status and link to document for all procedures Procedures are signed off by cognizant engineer, MSE, and MAM prior to being run If necessary, procedures are redlined during test. Procedures are revised prior to being run on the next flight model. MSE and MAM sign as-run I&T procedures after reviewing redlines and test results Example from THEMIS Document List (thm_sys_000_DocumentList):
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 10 Teleconference 8/30/2005 FM2 As-Run I&T Flow MAG Boom Integration IDPU Board Level Tests IDPU Integration Instrument Payload Self-Compatibility thm-pcb-proc PCB Flight Board Test: 02/09/05 thm-dcb-proc DCB Flight Board Test: 02/11/05 thm-beb-proc BEB Flight Board Test: 11/08/04 thm-dfb-proc DFB Flight Board Test: 05/18/05* thm-dcb-proc DAP Flight Board Test: 05/23/05* thm-lvps-proc LVPS Flight Board Test: 04/13/05 EFI Integration SPB Deploy SCM Integration thm-idpu-proc-001 PCB Integration: 04/21/05 thm-idpu-proc-003 BEB Integration: 04/26/05 thm-idpu-proc-004 DFB Integration: 04/26/05 thm-idpu-proc-005 DAP Integration: 05/03/05 thm-idpu-proc-006 LVPS Integration: 05/05/05 thm-int-proc-001 SCM Integration: 05/09/05 thm-int-proc-003 EFI Integration: 05/17/05 thm-int-proc-004 SPB Deploy: 06/15/05 PFR 072: SPB Door 2 Failure - OPENED thm-int-proc-005 EFI Intercalibration: 06/23/05 thm-int-proc-006 SST Integration: 06/24/05 thm-int-proc-007 ESA Integration: 07/05/05 thm-int-proc-008 MAG Boom Integration: 07/08/05 thm-int-proc-013 Instrument SCT: 07/12/05 PFR 090: SST Sun Pulse - OPENED Fields Intercalibration SST Integration ESA Integration thm-int-proc-019 DFB AKR: 06/28/05 PFR 085: AKR Noise - OPENED Instrument Payload CPT Instrument Payload CPT Coating/Staking Board Mods Board Re-Tests thm-sys-proc-005 Instrument CPT: 07/11/05 LVPS Board, IDPU Box Re-Work Instrument Payload CPT thm-lvps-proc LVPS Flight Board Test: 08/16/05 PFR 093: DFB Faceplate Damage - OPENED SPB Deploy Re-Test thm-sys-proc-005 Instrument CPT: 08/25/05 PFR 085: AKR Noise - CLOSED PFR 090: SST Sun Pulse - CLOSED DFB AKR, Filter Bank, FFT, and Derived Quantities FGM Integration thm-int-proc-002 FGM Integration: 04/25/05 thm-int-proc-004 SPB Deploy: 08/26/05 PFR 072: SPB Door 2 Failure - CLOSED thm-sys-proc-005 Instrument CPT: 08/22/05 PFR 092: Resistor damage in LVPS - OPENED PFR 092: Resistor damage in LVPS - CLOSED PFR 093: DFB Faceplate Damage - CLOSED
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 11 Teleconference 8/30/2005 FM3 As-Run I&T Flow ESA Integration IDPU Board Level Tests IDPU Integration Instrument Payload CPT thm-pcb-proc PCB Flight Board Test: 04/20/05 thm-dcb-proc DCB Flight Board Test: 03/17/05 thm-beb-proc BEB Flight Board Test: 02/16/05 thm-dfb-proc DFB Flight Board Test: 05/26/05 thm-dcb-proc DAP Flight Board Test: 06/13/05* thm-lvps-proc LVPS Flight Board Test: 05/16/05 SPB Deploy SCM Integration EFI Integration thm-int-proc-001 SCM Integration: 07/01/05 thm-idpu-proc-001 PCB Integration: 05/23/05 thm-idpu-proc-003 BEB Integration: 05/25/05 thm-idpu-proc-004 DFB Integration: 06/07/05 thm-idpu-proc-005 DAP Integration: 05/25/05 thm-idpu-proc-006 LVPS Integration: 06/17/05 thm-int-proc-002 FGM Integration: 05/26/05 thm-int-proc-003 EFI Integration: 06/28/05 thm-int-proc-004 SPB Deploy: 06/30/05 thm-int-proc-005 EFI Intercalibration: 07/05/05 thm-int-proc-006 SST Integration: 07/13/05 thm-int-proc-007 ESA Integration: 07/20/05 thm-int-proc-008 MAG Boom Integ.: 07/19/05 thm-int-proc-013 Instrument SCT: 07/25/05 Fields Phasing Test DFB AKR, Filter Bank, FFT, and Derived Quantities thm-int-proc-019 DFB AKR: 07/08/05 Instrument Payload CPT Instrument Payload Self-Compatibility Coating/Staking Board Mods Board Re-Tests thm-sys-proc-005 Instrument CPT: 07/21/05 PFR 089: 10V drawing more current - OPENED thm-sys-proc-005 Instrument CPT: 08/27/05 PFR 089: 10V drawing more current - CLOSED SST Integration FGM Integration MAG Boom Integration
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 12 Teleconference 8/30/2005 PFRs Problem Failure Reports (PFRs) PFRs are available on-line at: Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/ 8. PFRs/thm_pfr_master_list.xls PFR List includes unique number, title, assembly, POC, status by Flight Model (FM), link to PFR document.pdf, and a short description of the corrective action PFR is closed when corrective action has been completed on specified flight unit Closed PFRs are printed, signed by PM, MSE, MAM and Cog. Engineer and filed Example from THEMIS Instrument PFR Master List (thm_pfr_master_list.xls): KEY: X = unit affected, corrective action completed 0 = unit affected, corrective action not completed - = unit not affected, no corrective action needed
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 13 Teleconference 8/30/2005 PFR Summary PFR Statistics 54 PFRs logged since FM1 PER (PFR 039 – PFR 093) 32 PFRs affected FM2: 29 Closed, 3 Open 26 PFRs affected FM3: 23 Closed, 3 Open Open FM2/FM3 PFRs PFR 045 PROBLEM: Non sequential sequence count in the packet header of ESA data RESOLUTION: FSW problem, investigation on-going. Analysis shows problem is most likely due to packet minimum set during test. Very little data affected. PFR 065 PROBLEM: Bad, missing or out of order EFI data RESOLUTION: FSW problem, investigation on-going. Problem is similar as PFR 045 above. PFR 067 PROBLEM: Temperature dependence of 28V Actuator Voltage Monitor RESOLUTION: Resistors were changed in the actuator monitor circuit to correct the amount of current driving the opto-coupler. PFR will be closed after successful TV test of the IDPU. 3 PFRs are Open on FM1 awaiting TV re-test No Open PFRs are considered liens for Instrument Suite Environmental Test
THEMIS Instrument FM2/FM3 PERSystems- 14 Teleconference 8/30/2005 PFR Summary 2 PFRs had system-wide impacts PFR 085 AKR Band Noise Floor Exceeded Specification AKR measurement was listed as an open item at FM1 PER Problem found during DFB AKR, Filter Bank, FFT and Derived Quantities Test on FM2 IDPU LVPS was modified to move X-axis converter frequency out of measurement range (from 150kHz to 1.2MHz) IDPU DFB was modified to include a notch filter IDPU board modifications were completed on FM2 and FM3 prior to final CPTs PFR will be discussed further in EFI presentation PFR 090 SST Sun Pulse affected SCM Data SST sun pulse problem was a known issue at FM1 PER Impact on other Instruments was investigated during Self Compatibility testing on FM2 SCM uses the same converter and showed susceptibility - will be discussed further in SCM presentation SST sun pulse suppression circuit (mezzanine boards) was added to SST Sensor Electronic Assemblies (SEAs) - will be discussed further in SST presentation IDPU LVPS was modified (resistor change) to account for additional current draw IDPU and SST modifications were completed on FM2 and FM3 prior to final CPTs