International HIV Assistance from Donor Governments: Disbursements, 2002-2014 US$ Billions.


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Presentation transcript:

International HIV Assistance from Donor Governments: Disbursements, US$ Billions

International HIV Assistance: Donor Governments as a Share of Total Donor Government Disbursements, 2014 US$8.6 billion Total Disbursements

International HIV Assistance: Funding Channels for Donor Government Disbursements (USD), 2014 $8.6b $167.2m $5.6b $218.7m $100.5m $53.6m $1.1b $89.4m $123.5m $154.4m $278.3m$124.6m $316.9m $91.1m $25.6m $175.9m

Trends in International HIV Assistance from Donor Governments: Multilateral & Bilateral Funding, USD millions AustraliaCanadaDenmarkFranceGermanyIrelandItalyJapanNetherlandsNorwaySwedenU.K.ECOtherU.S.

*GDP = gross domestic product. NOTE: UNAIDS estimate of resources available for HIV/AIDS from all sources, June This estimate includes domestic expenditures (public and private) for all low- and middle- income countries, including countries that transitioned into high income level, according to World Bank 2013 country classification of income status. Assessing Fair Share 1: Donor Share of World GDP* Compared to Donor Share of All Resources Available for HIV, 2014 US$20.2 Billion Total Estimated Available Resources for HIV from All Sources

*GDP = gross domestic product. Assessing Fair Share 2: Donor Rank by Disbursements for HIV per US$1 Million GDP*, 2014