1 Intelligent Solutions to Reduce your Energy Bill
2 Mission To develop a reliable and energy-efficient network & sensor technology to enable the user to measure and control energy, limiting (unnecessary) energy consumption. This technology (green infrastructure) allows insight in energy consumption to ensure that none is wasted.
3 ZigBee is a reliable, robust and self healing RF-technology for monitoring and control Plugwise’s profile has highly secure authentication via 128-bit AES encryption Compared to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, ZigBee is a ‘whisper system’ It obtains a very high level of efficiency in its data transmission and uses very little energy. The network cooperates with each other.Upgradable over-the-air (OTA) Plugwise ZigBee ®
4 The Zigbee Wireless Mesh Network Plugwise networks can easily be extended with other modules.
5 The Plugwise system: Networks Star Cluster Tree Mesh Netwerk coordinator Full functional appliance Limited functional appliance
6 The Plugwise mesh network All plugs communicate with each other in the Plugwise network. Additionally, each plug functions as a router.
7 The Plugwise mesh network A switching command to a certain plug is transmitted via the most efficient route (circumventing obstructions)
8 The Plugwise mesh network If for any reason this route is blocked…….
9 The Plugwise mesh network The system will automatically choose the second most efficient route to the plug. The Plugwise network is a dynamic and reliable network.
10 The Basics Sting + / Sting Source Stick The “Engine” real time Data & Smart scheduling tools The AntennaThe Coordinator and General Router
11 Additional Products Switch Switching from appliance to building Scan (motion sensor) Measuring occupancy and switching of appliances upon presence Stretch Lite Pro IP controlled Plugwise ZigBee Gateway
12 Toilets lights without Automation Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
13 Toilets lights with Automation Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
14 Office Lights with out Automation Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday initial installation
15 Office Lights with Automation Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
16 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Graph showing lights TURNED OFF over weekend due to NO OCCUPANCY
17 Hot Water with out Schedules Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
18 Hot Water with Schedules Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
19 HOT WATER SYSTEM WITHOUT schedules approximately 4 TIMES a day (including weekends) WITH schedules 1 time a day (Sunday off) Graphs are showing the operation of the element in the Hot Water Unit
20 Standby Power without Schedules No Standby, Shedules Implimented Standby PowerAfter Schedules
21 Savings Potential with Schedules ScheduleStandby Killer
22 30% Standby Savings After Switching Schedules for Whole Network Previous Base Line 3kwhNew Base Line 250watts
23 Items to control with Plugwise Lighting General Power Photo Copiers & Printers, Coffee Machines, and other appliances Air Conditioners, Hot Water Systems More??????
24 System/Licensing Requirements Source Pro Licence Internet connection Data Management Portal Licence Plugwise Portal
25 Data Management The Portal is a Data Management and Analysis Tool Provides an online and detailed understanding of all your Plugwise data. In three clicks you can identify the savings of your Plugwise systems Total consumption, both within and outside office hours View your top 10 heavy users Selected periods in time. Generate detailed reports
26 Plugwise Customers
27 For further details log onto Or use your smart phone