What We Offer As a joint effort between the Design News & EDN magazines and web sites, we offer a full suite of opportunities for marketers wishing to target these multidisciplinary engineers specializing in mechanical, electrical and electronic design. The Mechatronics Zone microsite aggregates content from across the two publications’ blogs, articles, webcasts, videos and more, providing the most comprehensive Mechatronics resource on the Web. The monthly Mechatronics e-newsletter delivers expert editorial to an opt-in circulation of 55,000. Quarterly print and digital Mechatronics supplements feature real-world case studies of engineering challenges. Quarterly Mechatronics editorial webcasts round out our multimedia offerings. In-depth Mechatronics articles are featured in both magazines monthly. What is Mechatronics? Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of physical systems, electronics, and computers through the design process. Simply put, it is Multidisciplinary Systems Level Engineering. Why is it Important? Design engineers have become “multidisciplinary” and, as a result, are being challenged to integrate various technological solutions into their designs more than they ever have in the past. The biggest challenges facing design engineers are: ♦ the lack of cross-functional knowledge ♦ integration issues between mechanical and electrical/electronics components and hardware and software. In order to keep up with today’s fast-paced design challenges, engineers need a comprehensive, reliable source for Mechatronics information. Mechatronics Opportunities 1
Mechatronics Zone Microsite Packages As one of only three Mechatronics Zone sponsors, you receive: 33% share-of-voice of all banner ads on the Mechatronics blog and article pages Sponsorship of the monthly Mechatronics e-newsletter (circulation: 55,000) Five sponsor links listed in the online Mechatronics Resources module Up to five videos posted in the online Mechatronics Zone video module 2 Tier 1: 33% SOV + Position 1 in e-newsletter; Tier 2: 33% SOV + Position 2 in e-newsletter; Tier 3: 33% SOV + Position 3 in e-newsletter; Mechatronics eNewsletter Mechatronics Zone Site
Quarterly Mechatronics Webcasts Multi-sponsorship (max. 4 sponsors) Minimum 200 full-contact leads, guaranteed; Quarterly Mechatronics Print Supplements Additional Mechatronics Opportunities MonthEditorial Focus FebruaryAerospace & Defense JuneRobotics SeptemberMedical DecemberIndustrial Automation MonthEditorial Focus Ad Close Date February Aerospace & Defense January 10 JuneRoboticsMay 10 SeptemberMedicalAugust 10 December Industrial Automation November Mechatronics Supplements Calendar 2012 Mechatronics Webcasts