Theories of Motivation
Gholipour A Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Content vs. Process Motivation Theories Content theories explain why people have different needs at different times. Implications of Content Theories: 1.Match rewards with employee needs 2.Offer employees a choice of rewards 3.people have different needs at different times 4.Limit use of financial rewards as a source of motivation Process theories describe the processes through which needs are translated into behavior
Gholipour A Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Maslow’sHierarchy of Needs Self-actualizationEsteemSocialSafetyPhysiological
Gholipour A Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Needs Hierarchy Theory Self- Actualization Esteem Belongingness Safety Physiological Maslow arranged five needs in a hierarchy Satisfaction-progression process People who experience self- actualization desire more rather than less of this need
Gholipour A Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. ERG Theory Needs Hierarchy Theory ERG Theory Self- Actualization Esteem Belongingness Safety Physiological Growth Relatedness Existence Alderfer’s model has three sets of needs Adds frustration- regression process to Maslow’s model
Gholipour A Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Content Theories of Motivation Self- Actualization Esteem Belongingness Safety Physiological Growth Relatedness Existence Motivator--Hygiene Theory Motivators Hygienes Need for Achievement Need for Power Affiliation McClelland’s Learned Needs ERG Theory Needs Hierarchy Theory