Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Arradiance ALD/Incom MCP Scrub and Life Test Incom substrate 40µm pores, 8 deg bias, 40:1 L/D Sent to Arradiance for resistive and emissive layer application + electrode Resistance approx 750 MΩ in vacuum Arradiance tests show 50, v Tested as a single MCP + Phosphor
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Arradiance ALD/Incom MCP Test 550v 1000v background, no obvious hotspots other than phosphor defects Bright scratch on phosphor UV light
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Arradiance ALD/Incom MCP Lifetest 10 m pore NO LEAD glass substrate, 40:1 L/D, Bias = 880V, I out ~0.4 pA/pore, gain under electron bombardment Tremsin - LAPD workshop Arradiance, Inc. Starts at Bias = 700V, gain x1000, 0.6µA, change to 880v, 0.8µA at 0.03C/cm 2 25mm 40µm 40:1 ALD MCP, UV scrub Note: no vacuum bake SSL-UCB
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley “Low” Gain Images Post-Scrub V MCP = 700VPre-Scrub V MCP = 550V Note that the camera used for post scrub imaging was much higher optical resolution, so differences are exaggerated
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Pre & Post Scrub Histograms at “low” gain Note that the camera used for post scrub imaging was much higher optical resolution, so differences are exaggerated Post-Scrub Cross-Section: V MCP = 700V Pre-Scrub Cross-Section: V MCP = 550V
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley “High” Gain Images Post-Scrub V MCP = 1100VPre-Scrub V MCP = 900V Note that the defects are present before and after the scrub, most likely dust, and may have charged up to present the bright rings only when light is turned on!
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Pre & Post Scrub Histograms at “high” gain Post-Scrub Cross-Section: V MCP = 1100V Pre-Scrub Cross-Section: V MCP = 900V
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Pre-Scrub Close-Up 40µm pores visible We can see the Hex boundary distortions are uneven 800v MCP 2900v screen Post scrub at 800v
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Post-Scrub Close-Up 40µm pores still visible but are now narrow spots. Hex boundary distortions are washed out 1100v MCP 2900v screen Former dead spots now have bright halos at high gain
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Background Images Post-Scrub V MCP = 1100VPre-Scrub V MCP = 1000V No significant changes
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley Post-Scrub response at higher gain V MCP = 600VV MCP = 700VV MCP = 800V V MCP = 900VV MCP = 1000VV MCP = 1100V Modulation seems more related to applied voltage - not gain.