Bio-mimetics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “Biomimetics (also known as Bionics, biognosis, biomimicry or bionical creativity engineering) is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology” "taking design ideas from nature" “Biomimetic refers to human-made processes, materials, devices, or systems that imitate nature.” WHY NATURE ???????
The Eastgate Center in Harare, Zimbabwe Inspired by Termite mound
Materials: Processing & tools Fabrication/Manufacturing Devices & machines Functions & Mechanisms Principles Almost all engineering could be thought of as a form of biomimicry ??engineering biomimicry
Materials & Mechanisms Advanced Materials, Functional Materials, Smart Materials, Intelligent Materials !! Conscious Materials ??!!! Lotus effect: Self-clean water repellent surfaces: Structural colors: Photonic Crystals Bio-Adhesion: nano- velcro; Geckel glue Low temp ceramics
Biomimetic Models of Protein Aggregation
Microfluidic scaffold (gel material) cells Microchannel for Feeding nutrients 3D matrix diffusing nutrients Tissue Engineering Choi et al, Nat. Mater. 6, , 2007 Heart valve
Fabrication/Manufacturing: The Nature’s Way…. Supramolecular, hierarchical….. Self-assembly (bottom-up) Self-organization……. Processing conditions: Wet and soft, room temp.. Directed and coded…………
Devices & Machines Neuromorphic chips, silicon retinae or coachleae wiring modeled after real neural network connectivity & functionality Molecular motors Cyborg!
In 1959 Feynman gave his famous after-dinner talk describing molecular machines building with atomic precision “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom” “The portal motor for bacteriophage f29 compresses the DNA 6,000 times its normal volume," says Bustamante. "This generates an internal pressure of about 60 atmospheres, which is about ten times that in a champagne bottle.” Bio-inspired Nanomotors Machine
Bio-inspired Micro-Fluidics
Principles Cybernatics Artificial intelligence Genetic algorithms Socio-political models: Examples: Bioregional Democracy (political borders conform to natural Eco-regions rather than human cultures or the outcomes of prior conflicts) Natural Capitalism: ( Biomimicry is also the second principle of Natural Capitalism)Natural Capitalism
Genetic Algorithm
Does Nature always do an optimized job? IKARUS Syndrome
Sub-optimality in Nature Diversity: Many ways to the same function Complexity: Many things to be weighted
Interact & Enjoy !! The field of Bio-mimetics is the abstraction of a GOOD design from nature. Bio-inspired???