Alejandro SonzogniNSDD 2007 Decay Data Library In ENDF/B-VII Alejandro Sonzogni National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Brookhaven Science Associates
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD ENDF/B-VII.0 Decay Data Sub-library Single file, divided in datasets All numerical, ready to be used in complex decay networks (reactors, stars) where nuclear decay and energy release is calculated as function of time. A single dataset per ground state / isomer including all possible decays. Total of 3838 datasets in new sub- library. Previous version had 979 datasets (ENSDF 1985) mainly by Charlie Reich. Work started in 2004 and was finished in December Mostly derived from ENSDF, 2005 Nuclear Wallet Cards, with additional data. Dataset contents: Energy level, isomer count (0 for GS, 1 for first isomer,…) Branching ratios to daughter nuclide/s isomer counts Half-life, spin and parity, mass Average radiation energies Discreet radiation energies and intensities In the ENSDF to ENDF translation: Sometimes we need to add ENSDF datasets, ex 112In, EC=56% and B- =44% Sometimes we need to subtract, ex 137Cs – 137Ba, 661 belongs to 137BA IT decay Translate all strings to numbers.
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD T 1/2, % -n from Pfeiffer, Kratz, Moller (2002) 1 ms to 1 s Partial T 1/2 information No Decay information other than Q-value Use of new Internal Conversion Coefficients (BRICC) Better from SPEBETA for 2 nd forbidden non-unique transitions 44 days < T 1/2 < 1x10 7 years TAGS (Total Absorption Gamma Spectrometer) 10 s 4 MeV Incomplete Decay Scheme and from integral measurement 48 materials from INEL + 2 ISOLDE/Jyvaskyla Subject of WPEC Subgroup 25 ENDF/B-VII.0 Decay Data Sub-library
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD ENDF/B-VII.0 Decay Data Sub-library Authorship information is carried throughout the sub-library
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD Decay Heat Decay Heat(t)= i N i (t) E i E i : Energy released in decay, sum over all nuclear species involved in the decay, 732 fission products for a total of 1000 including the daughters
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD Delayed Neutrons d (thermal)=0.0159/fission (using ENDF/B-VII.0 decay data library and JEFF-3.1 fission yields) Very close to Keepin and JEFF-3.1 time dependence ENDF/B-VII.0: d (thermal)= /fission
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD Delayed Neutrons
Alejandro SonzogniNSDD Summary New decay library as part of ENDF/B-VII.0 Much larger coverage, many more precise values of half-life, energy and intensity. Derived from the latest ENSDF files. Inclusion of TAGS data and better treatment of long-lived beta emitters. Validated with Decay Heat and Delayed Neutron calculations. Sensitivity study to obtain list of priority nuclides, feedback to experimenters.