Lesson Plan Class:Level 3 rd Subject:Urdu By Ruby Farah Naz DA Neelum High School
Quiad-e-Azam (Nazam)
Background Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876 and died on September 11, 1948.He was a 20th century lawyer, politician, statements and the founder of Pakistan. He is popularly and officially known in Pakistan as Quaid-e-Azam (Urdu: قائد اعظم — "Great Leader") and Baba-e-Qaum (بابائے قوم) ("Father of the Nation").
Theory Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan‘s independence on August 14, He was Pakistan's first Governor-General from August 15, 1947.
Effect It was due to his efforts that Pakistan as a separate nation came into being. Pakistan as an Islamic state came into being.
Tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Karachi
Conclusion It was due to his efforts that Pakistan came into being. He is known as the best lawyer, politician, statement of the east.
Lahlahatay Khait (Nasar)
A farm is an area of land, including various structures, devoted primarily to the practice of producing and managing food (produce, grains, or livestock), fibres and, increasingly, fuel.foodproducegrains livestockfibresfuel It is the basic production facility in food production.food production Farms may be owned and operated by a single individual, family, community, corporation or a company. A farm can be a holding of any size from a fraction of a hectare to several thousand hectares.hectare
To empower, to encourage, to explore, and to excel in education by incorporating 21 st century skills. LONG-TERM GOALS
To enable the students to think deeply about the Urdu nasar and nazam. Encourage students to use rich or enriched vocabulary while conversing or writing. Introduce more creative writing topics in order to further polish student’s writing skills. SHORT-TERM GOALS
CHALLENGES: A. The principal may not agree with my new approach. B. Parents may not understand my methods. C. I do not own a computer. D. There may be some students who do not want to work together. SOLUTIONS: A. I will share the course manual and my notes from this course with my principal. B. I will use my new word processing skills to create a newsletter to inform parents of my new methods. C. I will use school computer in my free time. D. I will randomly group students to encourage collaboration with all class members. SOLUTIONS TO ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES
Topic: Quaid-e-Azam(Nazam) Level: 3rd Objectives: ● To Analyze Quaid-e-Azam a great leader and make a research report. (analyzing) ● Tell why Quaid-e-Azam is know as the leader of the east, the students will prepare persuasive speech. (evaluating) ● Act on a song based on Pakistan independence day. (creating) BLOOM BASED OBJECTIVE
Topic: 2 Level: 3rd Objectives: Lahlahatay Khait. (Nasar) Analysis: Arrange a chart about fields of Pakistan. Evaluation: Justify the evaluation of Pakistan. Creation: Compose a story on fields of Pakistan. BLOOM BASED OBJECTIVE
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Topic21 st century Approaches Technique/modes21stcentury/ Skills Quiad-e-Azam (Nazam)Observing and Monitoring Skills Listening and Speaking Skills Chart Justify evaluation Act song Creativity and Intellectual Communication Skills. Information and collaborative skills and social responsibility. Lahlahatay Khait (Nasar)Listening and Speaking Skills Questioning Skills Observing and Monitoring Skills Report Story Newpaper Communication Skills Social Responsibility
JANUARYFEBURARYMARCHAPRIL I will focus on questioning skills I will focus on encouragement rather than praise I will work on creating collaborative groups or pairs I will successfully adopt 21 st century teaching approached in my classroom TIME LINE
Internet Newspaper Chart Worksheet Projects RESOURCES
By implementing my newly acquired 21 st century teaching approaches, student will be empowered, and will appreciate and gain a better knowledge of Urdu CONCLUSION