Arthur Milton- ELA Instructional Team Leader Laine Angle- ELA Teacher Cliff Green- Paraeducator
Mary Tatum- Special Ed teacher Tracy Jones- Reading Specialist Marianne Barno- GT Teacher Jen Silbaugh- Special Ed teacher MaryEllen Davis- Reading Specialist Pennie Kerr- ESOL Paraeducator
8:40-8:55- Arrival/Breakfast 9:00-9:30- Spanish 9:30-10:15- Related Arts 10:15-11:30 – Academic Session 1 11:30-12:00- Recess 12:00-12:30- Lunch 12:30-1:15- Academic Session 1 (cont) 1:15- 3:15- Academic Session 2 3:20- Dismissal
1. All students must attend school every day unless the student is sick by Maryland Law. 2. Our school goal is a 96% attendance rate for the year. 3. All students who receive 96% attendance for a quarter receive an Exemplary Attendance Award. 4. Notes are required when a student is absent: first and last name of student the date the child is absent reason for absence parent/guardian signature 5. A phone call should be made to the office if your child is absent.
1. Doors open for students at 8:40a.m. Please do not send your child before 8:40a.m. as supervision is not provided until that time. 2. Students need to be at school and in their classrooms by 8:55a.m. in order to be considered on time and not tardy. If your child should arrive after 8:55a.m., please bring your child to the office and sign them in. 3. We ask that there not be any early dismissals after 3p.m.
Breakfast is offered to our students everyday. Participation in breakfast is completely voluntary. There is no charge for breakfast. Breakfast is offered from 8:40-8:55. Students should arrive in time to eat breakfast so that the instructional day can begin promptly at 9:00.
At Phelps Luck we believe that all students have the right to learn in a calm environment where safety is maintained. It is the responsibility of every member of the school family: staff, students, and parents to ensure that the school environment is conducive to learning. The Code of Conduct 1. Respect Self 2. Respect Others 3. Respect Property The Code of Conduct is the basis for behavior school-wide. Specific ways to demonstrate the 3 R's (the teaching matrix) will be taught and reinforced throughout the school year. When the expectations of the Code of Conduct are not met, a hierarchy of consequences commences. All classroom and special area teachers will follow the same hierarchy. If a student’s behavior violates the code of conduct a staff member will mark their behavior calendar to indicate the level of hierarchy.
Hierarchy of Consequences Level 1: warning Level 2: time out desk Level 3: time out desk or go to another room & fill out reflection form to be signed by parent Level 4: office referral Office discipline will also follow a hierarchy of consequences. Celebrating Positive Behavior Monthly Celebration: There will be a reward/celebration for the students who meet a monthly goal based on their behavior calendar. Students will be invited to a fun minute event. Students who do not attain the monthly goal will stay in their classrooms for behavior/social skills lessons. Falcons: All students will be able to earn incentives for positive behavior throughout the day. Staff members will carry Falcon coupons and give them out to students who exhibit this behavior. Falcon Store: Every two weeks students will be able to go to the Falcon store and trade in their falcons for prizes. Behavior Support An essential segment of the P.B.I.S. program is teaching students the behaviors and social skills that they will need to be successful in school. Through modeling, discussion and direct instruction teachers and guidance counselors will help students master these important lessons. Teachers will also use the program Second Step to teach social skills lessons related to the Code of Conduct.
Student handbook in Agenda book Cell phone/electronics Birthday celebrations – no sweets allowed Thursday Folder Paperwork reviewed and folder returned the next school day.
Thursday Folders - weekly Agenda Book - daily s/Phone Calls Report Cards/Interims Student-led Conferences – Nov & Feb Canvas page – more info to come
Reading Read 20 minutes or more nightly Vocabulary – integrated in language arts Social Studies – integrated in Reading Homework is an extension of the class work – meaning other than the 20 min of daily reading each subject should be completed within 10 min. (10 min – math/science, 10 min ela/social studies). If homework is taking longer than 1 hr (total) to complete please send us a note.
MAP will be given three times a year – Fall, Winter, & Spring (dates TBD) Parcc will be given two times – Winter & Spring Science MSA will be given in Spring
Simulated Congressional Hearing- May 26 th Fieldtrips – we will attempt to have one integrated with each core subject – Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies
- Tissues - Glue Sticks - Wooden pencils – no mechanical - Hand Sanitizer - Ziplock Bags - Dry Erase Markers
We appreciate your attendance! Questions?