Your group should have 9 cards You are going to CLASSIFY and group your animals based on similar characteristics. First start with the most GENERAL grouping for all of your organisms and make this your title Now group your cards into multiple groups based on the characteristics they have in common Continue to narrow down your grouping– make sure to write this down on your paper Title
Binomial Nomenclature Classification system created by Carolus Linnaeus EVERY organism receives a Genus and species name ex. Homo sapiens Species the most specific taxanomic level Organisms that can interbreed and produce FERTILE offspring
Created a system we currently used called BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE › This means every organism receives a genus and species name › How do you correctly write a scientific name? Homo sapiens underline OR italicze Homo sapiens Homo is the genus, sapiens is the species
The science of classification There are seven levels of TAXA K ingKingdom P hillipPhylum C ameClass O ver Order F or Family G reen Genus S oup Species
Organisms in the same class would be in the same phylum and kingdom Organisms in the same genus would be in the same?
Specie is the most specific of these seven taxa, thus the specie would contain only one type of organism. A specie is defined as a group of organisms which can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Taxonomic Levels KingdomKing PhylumPhillip ClassCame OrderOver Family For Genus Green SpeciesSoup
Use a Dichotomous Key! Uses paired statements and visible characteristics to “key out” an organism and identify it.
Dichotomous Key a series of paired statements that leads to the identification of an organism Taxonomic Levels KingdomKing PhylumPhillip ClassCame OrderOver Family For Genus Green SpeciesSoup
Morphology- Physical characteristics, example: the presence of antennae Biochemical analysis: gram staining bacteria, or comparing DNA and Amino acid sequences
Embryology: common fetal development Phylogeny: describes the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Phyogenetic tree: CLADOGRAM
Cladogram/ Phylogenetic Tree Branching diagram that uses characteristics to show evolutionary relationships
Cell Structure: › Prokaryotic, unicellular, have cell wall Metabolism: › SOME photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, and heterotrophic Reproduction: › Binary Fission (Asexual) or Conjugation (Sexual) Importance: › Drive nitrogen cycle, decomposers and found in food like yogurt!
Same as Eubacteria EXCEPT habitat! Cell Structure: prokaryotic, unicellular, cell wall Metabolism: SAME as EUBACTERIA Reproduction: binary fission and conjugation Habitats: Live in EXTREME places (your gut, and thermal vents)
Complete the chart on pg. 186 of your handbook. Use the notes on pgs Create a Venn diagram to compare the Eukaryotic kingdoms to the prokaryotic kingdoms Create a Venn diagram to compare Kingdom Protista to Kingdom Fungi Create a Venn diagram to compare Kingdom Animalia to Kingdom Plantae If you finish all of the parts above you should work on pgs in your handbook (this will be homework)