UID Road Ahead LeAntha Sumpter December 2004
Data Roadmap Time Line FY-07 FY-06 FY-05 FY- 04/05 Enterprise Visibility AccountabilityValue OrganizationProgramLocationStatus AT&L/P&RPA&EAT&LCJCS/P&R/AT&L Legal Controlling Custody Steward Property (AT&L) Real PropertyPersonal Property AT&L People (P&R) PersonRole P&R CJCS/P&R/AT&L FormalAd HocBudgetACATAbsoluteRelativeCondition Disposition
DoD, its coalition partners, and industry efficiently and effectively manage people, property, and intangible assets using globally unique identification DoD Vision for UID
UID Goals Using Ubiquitous and Globally Unique Identifiers and Capitalizing on Leading Practices Enables and Hastens: Reliable Accounting and Visibility Improved Operational Readiness Reduced Burden on Workforce Lower Life Cycle Management Costs
Site UID Creation UID—Integrated Situational Awareness of People, Places and Things Today -- No UIDsTo Be State -- UIDs Requirement: Capability to integrate force structure planning for identifying and constituting deployable combined force modules. Who is available? With what equipment? Where are they now? How long can we support them? People, things and property related to force structure. Deployment and constitution options can be continuously evaluated. Required items identified, pre-positioned and tracked with RFID. People and things can be identified to sites and facilities for rapid deployment response. No integrated planning viewIntegrated planning view QuestionsQuestions answered RFID Tracking
UID: What makes it so special? UID… Provides “The Key” to discovery and correlation of item, real property and human resource information so DoD can consistently locate, control and value assets anywhere and anytime Is an applied leading industrial practice interconnecting people, item, real property (places), organizations, force structure, programs, etc. Enables globally accessible and secure enterprise data Registries enable creation of UID mission critical services to Translate legacy data for existing DoD systems Enable access for operational support Enable joint paperless management
Adapted Commercial Practices UID Registry Design Developed Policy and UII Process Component Deconfliction of Real Property IOC of RPUID Registry Enterprise Systems Modification Waiver & Approval to Proceed by Components Clear linkages between Items- Locations; People to Locations; Items to People Unique Item Activities Integrated Operational Outcomes Issued Policy for UID of Items Issued DoD UID Guide Published Interim DFARS Rule— Item Identification and Valuation Draft DFARS Final Rule ISO Balloting Process Initial Delivery of Items With UIIs to UID Registry Issue Legacy Policy Real Property Activities Issue GFP Policy Registry Enables Virtual UIIs On-line System for 1662 Reporting Registry Population for New Personal Property With UII IOC of UII Registry New Item UII Pop- ulation of Registry Robust Infrastructure Framework Initial Projects, Activities & Planning Efforts Budget & Milestones Organizational Buy-in Site and RPUID Taxonomy Tangible Items Linked to Individual Relate CAC to Purchase Cards Engineering & Marking Standards Site UID Registry Established Data formats for Site and RP UIDs RP Inventory Req'mts Analysis of Alternatives Prelim Registry Infrastructure Design & Proof of Concept UII for GFP Enhance Registry to Provide UII Generation Service Establish Data Entry Capacity Thru WAWF for Gov’t Activities Develop a Registry Access Schema for Role- based Security CONOPS 1 st f Military Equipment Valuation Industry Registry Access, PKI, & GIG Google New Item UII & RPUID Requirements Interface UII Registry to Property & Maintenance Systems Achieve Integrated Data Environment Demonstrate Linkage of Tangible Items to Accounting Valuation FOC of UII Registry Critical Mass of UIIs People- UII mapped to Site UID FOC of RPUID Registry Critical Mass of RPUIDs Baseline of DoD Real Property Assets Physical Marking of Legacy Items Adoption of New Technologies for UII Status Updates Operations & Continuous Improvements Full Integration of Force Structure, Personnel & Property Assets Life Cycle Cost Improvements Comprehensive Real Property Database All Identified Facilities to Include Segmentation of Linear Assets Registry Expansion to Include All Real Property Where DoD has Interest Linkage of People-Items-Location CY 03CY 04CY 05CY 06CY 07CY 08CY 09CY 10 UID: Outcomes CY 03CY 04CY 05CY 06CY 07CY 08CY 09CY 10 Operations & Continuous Improvements Identified Unique Property Critical Data Mass Robust Infrastructure Effective Operations Effective Operations Efficient Program Leadership Outcome # 1 Outcome # 2 Outcome # 3 Outcome # 5 Outcome # 4
UID “Google” UID Registry UID Registry Concept People Registry RPUID Registry Personal Property Registry Organizations Registry GFP Asset Registry Property Accountability: Equipment, Parts, Materials The UID Common Key AcquisitionFull Cost Accounting The UID Common Key The UID Common Key FMS Country DMLS Master Property Plans Depots Parent Child Parent Child Rules Keys Context Program Registry eGov CCR FedREG P&R: FMID NII to incorporate UID in data architecture in 2005 Full Integration of Force Structure, Personnel & Property Assets Life Cycle Cost Improvements RPUID Includes Segmentation of Linear Assets Land/ Facility SiteGeo- spatial DoDAAC