East Asia-Pacific Country Partnerships UNGEI ≠ parallel structure to EFA What does this mean on the ground? How can UNGEI effectively contribute to promoting gender equality in education at the country level without being perceived as a separate activities?
Case of Viet Nam: Support to Ethnic Minority Girls’ Transition to Secondary Education UNICEF Hanoi UNICEF EAPRO Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) Primary Education Department (PED) Research Centre for Ethnic Minority Education (RCEME) UNESCO Hanoi UNESCO Regional Other Education WG partners in Hanoi
Education Sector Working Group FTI Working Group One UN Gender Working Group UNGEI UNGEI Partnership at Country Level Case of Viet Nam
Gender in Education Network (GENIA) GFP Support Group Regional UNGEI Partners Country UNGEI Within EFA and other framework Global UNGEI GAC members Gender Focal Point(s) in Ministry UNGEI Partnerships in East Asia Pacific
Challenges in putting UNGEI into action in countries Needs for flexible partnerships v.s. ownership and accountability Who’s UNGEI is it? What should be the “success” measures for UNGEI in countries?
Ways forward for discussion UNGEI Focal Points at country level from various partner organizations: internal advocacy and dissemination by GAC members to create a critical mass to influence Recommendations from the Norwegian MFA meeting: Assist on-going activities using existing structures Be conscious of the government’s capacity and focus on the top priority activities Country offices should be the main vehicle of UNGEI initiative, with regional and global support