How blest are all who fear the L ORD, who walk the way that he has shown. Success and blessing will be yours; you’ll eat the fruit that you have grown.


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I’ll praise your love and justice, L ORD ; I’ll praise you cheerfully. I’ll strive to lead a blameless life – when will you come to me? [Sing to the Lord.

Welcome to Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church God Calls Us to Delight in Christ and to Share His Hope.
The fool speaks in his heart; “There is no God,” he says. They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; none walk in godly ways. The L ORD looks down from heav-en.
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Wholehearted thanksgiving to you I will bring; in praise of your marvellous works I will sing. For joy I will shout and exultantly cry in praise of your.
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O hear my urgent cry, my God, and listen to my plea. From earth’s remotest bounds I call when my heart faints in me. [Sing to the Lord 61]
Let my cry come before you, O L ORD ; give me insight as pledged in your word. May my pleading gain access to you; save my life, as you promised to do.
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In times past, L ORD, you showed favour to your own beloved land; the prosperity of Jacob you restored by your strong hand. You forgave your people’s trespass;
I will extol the L ORD ’s great love forever; your faithfulness to all I will proclaim. I will declare your love stands firm forever; your faithfulness.
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(Psalm 128). The God-fearing Man Psalm 128 He will lead his family in fearing the Lord (Ephesians 5:23, 25; 6:4) He understands what it means to fear.
9. Triumphant shouts of joy resound in places where the righteous dwell. The L ORD ’s right hand is lifted high; his mighty hand does all things well.
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Jehovah reigns, let earth be glad! Let distant shores express delight! Clouds and thick darkness cover him; his throne is built on truth and right. [Sing.
Praise God in his holy temple; praise the L ORD in heavens high. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his majesty. [Sing to the Lord 150]
O hear my cry, my righteous God. Relieve me; I’m distressed. Display your mercy to me now, and answer my request. [Sing to the Lord 4]
Blessed are those of blameless ways, who live according to God’s word. Blessed are those who keep his laws, who with their whole heart seek the L ORD.
Joyfully sing to the L ORD, all you righteous; for it is good that the upright give praise. With harp and lyre praise the L ORD and make music; with shouts.
The L ORD answer you when you cry in distress; may Jacob’s God keep you, whose name you confess. May God send assistance from his holy place, and grant.
Hear, O Isr’el’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead. You who are enthroned in glory, shine upon us in our need. [Sing to the Lord 80]
Do good to me and I will live; your servant will obey your word. Open my eyes that I may see great wonders in your law, O L ORD. [Sing to the Lord 119:17-24]
Come! Vindicate me, O my God! Against this nation plead my cause! Deliver me from wicked foes and hypocrites who break your laws. [Sing to the Lord 43b]
Hear now my prayer, O L ORD ; my cry for mercy heed. In truth and righteousness draw near to meet my need. And do not judge me in your sight for in your.
All those who trust the L ORD like Zion are secure, which never can be moved but always will endure. Just as the mountains stand around Jerusalem, the.
In times past, L ORD, you showed favour to your own beloved land; the prosperity of Jacob you restored by your strong hand. You forgave your people’s trespass;
The trespass of the wicked man most plainly testifies that fear of God’s most holy name is not before his eyes. [Sing to the Lord 36]
Surely God is good to Israel and to those whose hearts are pure. As for me, my steps were slipping, and my foothold was unsure. For the arrogant I envied.
Surely God is good to Isr’el and to those whose hearts are pure. As for me, my steps were slipping, and my foothold was unsure. For the arrogant I envied.
Joyfully sing to the L ORD, all you righteous; for it is good that the upright give praise. With harp and lyre praise the L ORD and make music; with shouts.
O hear my cry, my righteous God. Relieve me; I’m distressed. Display your mercy to me now, and answer my request. [Sing to the Lord 4]
Protect me, O my God; you are my refuge true. I said, “You are my Lord: I have no good apart from you.” The godly in the land, for holiness renowned –
O bless our G OD with one accord, ye faithful servants of the L ORD, who in his house do stand by night ; and praise him there with all your might. [Sing.
O thank the L ORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures always. Now let the house of Isr’el say, “His love will last for endless days.” [Sing to.
PSALM 128.
(TCNT) "And fathers, do not irritate your children, but bring them up with Christian discipline and instruction.“
The L ORD I will at all times bless and praise him with my voice. Because I glory in the L ORD, let troubled souls rejoice. O let us magnify the L ORD.
O praise, you servants of the L ORD ; sing praises to his holy name. O blessed be the name of G OD ; his praise forevermore proclaim. From east to west.
Wholehearted thanksgiving to you I will bring; in praise of your marvellous works I will sing. For joy I will shout and exultantly cry in praise of your.
Your Walk With God. Amos 3:3 (NKJV) 3 Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
Exalt the L ORD, his praise proclaim; all ye his servants, praise his name, who in the L ORD ’s house ever stand and humbly serve at his command. The L.
Psalm 128:1-2 Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be.
Praise G OD, my soul! With all my heart let me exalt his holy name. Forget not all his benefits; his praise, my soul, in song proclaim. The L ORD forgives.
We give you thanks, O God, because your name is near. All speak of your majestic deeds; your voice we also hear: [Sing to the Lord 75]
Sing for joy to God our Saviour, shout aloud to Jacob’s Lord! Start the music, strike the timbrel; play on strings a pleasing chord. Sound the trumpet.
Unless the L ORD builds up the house, its builders toil in vain; unless he keeps the city safe, they vainly watch maintain. [Sing to the Lord 127]
Blessed is He Who Fears the Lord
Blest is the one who cares for those in need; the Lord delivers him in times of strife. The Lord will surely bless him in the land; he will protect him.
O Lord, you are the Righteous One; the statutes that you give are just
Unless The Lord Shall Build The House
Though rulers hound me without cause, my heart fears nothing but your word; for in your promise I rejoice like one who finds great spoil, O Lord. [Sing.
When Zion’s fortunes God restored, it was a dream come true
Your statutes, Lord, are wonderful, so I obey them from my heart
Psalms 127 & 128.
If God the Lord had not been on our side – let Isr’el say – had not the Lord been near when foes attacked us, filling us with fear, and when their wrath.
My soul is laid low in the dust; give life according to your word
Do good to me and I will live; your servant will obey your word
The double-minded I abhor, but your commands I love, O Lord
How excellent a thing it is, how pleasant and how good, when brothers dwell in unity and live as brothers should! [Sing to the Lord 133]
Shout to the Lord with joy, all who to earth belong
Eternal is your word, O Lord; in heav’n it stands forever sure
To you, O Lord, I lift my eyes, the God enthroned above the skies
Presentation transcript:

How blest are all who fear the L ORD, who walk the way that he has shown. Success and blessing will be yours; you’ll eat the fruit that you have grown. [Sing to the Lord 128]

2. Your wife will be a fruitful vine; and round your table will be placed your children like young olive shoots. Thus he who fears the L ORD is blest.

3. May you behold Jerusalem’s good; from Zion may G OD ’s blessing flow. Your children’s children may you see. May G OD on Isr’el peace bestow. Sing to the Lord 128 Used with permission Text: Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003 Tune: 18th or 19th century melody; arr. Geoffrey T. Shaw, 1879–1943