MSU Extension Pesticide Education Pesticide Safety
MSU Extension Pesticide Education
Contact the MDA or MSU Extension to keep current with changing pesticide rules and regulations!
Read the label before selecting and applying any pesticide.
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Applicator Safety F You must comply with label guidelines - WPS F Clean, service or replace gear regularly F Wash gear and yourself
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Applicator Safety F Wear more gear during frequent applications or if pesticide sensitive F Consider: –Gloves, face and eye protection when mixing, –Plus hat and respirator for overhead applications.
Applicator Cholinesterase Level F For users of carbamate and organophosphate insecticides. F Off season baseline level is required. F Testing program implemented by a doctor.
Most poisonings result from accidents, careless or ignorant use!
The best defense against harm is to be prepared!
MSU Extension Pesticide Education First Aid and Safety Materials F Pesticide label F MSDS F Syrup of Ipecac F First aid kit F Eye wash F Detergent F Clean water F Rubber gloves F Change of clothing F Spill absorbent F Fire extinquisher F Poison Center phone F Hospital contact –Phone number –Doctor –Directions
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Poisoning Symptoms F Vary with: –Type of pesticide –Where exposed –Amount absorbed –Health of individual F Onset of symptoms can happen: –Suddenly –Slowly
Remember, poisoning symptoms can be similar to other ailments such as heat exhaustion, asthma or food poisoning. Never give alcohol!
MSU Extension Pesticide Education F Headache F Skin irritation F Sweating F Muscle twitching F Coughing F Respiratory irritation F Chest pain F Visual disturbance F Abnormal pupils F Nausea F Confusion F Convulsions F Unconscious F Death Poisoning Symptoms
MSU Extension Pesticide Education First Aid Procedures F Varies according to the type of exposure F Symptoms may not occur immediately
MSU Extension Pesticide Education First Aid Procedures F After severe exposure DO NOT put off first aid until you feel bad - Act immediately!
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Dermal Exposure F Remove contaminated clothing F Drench skin with water F Wash thoroughly with soap F Rinse completely F Wash and rinse again F Dry, wrap in blanket or clean clothing
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Inhalation Exposure F Get to fresh air F Do not attempt rescue in enclosed area without proper respiratory gear F Keep victim quiet
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Inhalation Exposure F Prevent chilling, don’t overheat F Loosen tight clothing F Resuscitate, if necessary F Keep air passages clear
Eye Exposure F Act immediately. F Wash eyes with a gentle stream of water. Use large amounts of water. F Continue washing for 15+ minutes. F Use pure water only.
MSU Extension Pesticide Education Oral Exposure F If pesticide has entered mouth, but not swallowed: –Rinse thoroughly. F If swallowed: –Follow label directions on whether to induce vomiting.
Never induce vomiting if: 1. Victim unconscious 2. Having convulsions 3. Petroleum based product 4. Corrosive pesticide 5. Label specifies not to induce vomiting
Safe Pesticide Handling Preventing accidents when handling pesticides is the safest way to protect: - Applicators - The environment - Nontarget organisms
Equipment Safety F Check for: –Worn hoses –Leaks –Applicator accuracy –Truck and trailer safety BrakesBrakes LightsLights TiresTires
Mixing and Loading Pesticides F Attend tank while filling F Follow label directions F Wear protective clothing F Don’t eat, smoke, chew gum F Lighted, well ventilated area, shelter from wind
Mixing Pesticides Safely F Keep fill hose out of solution F Anti-siphon valve F Pour below eye level F Measure accurately F Rinse measuring tools F Triple rinse containers immediately immediately
Triple Rinse and Pesticide Removal