Student Page [Teacher Page] What’s your favorite season? Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Student Page [Teacher Page] Introduction I love how the seasons change. Do you? There are four seasons in a year. Tell me about your favorite season. I might like it too. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Student Page [Teacher Page] Task Since we keep track of the weather in class everyday. You will learn about the seasons. You will see a video about the different seasons. You will also play a little game of learning. You are going to create a journal, with a partner, about the seasons of the year. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Student Page [Teacher Page] Process This process will take one week. On Monday, I will pair each of you with a partner. You will watch click on the links below to help you learn more about the seasons. Video about the 4 Seasons Follow along with: Book of Seasons Have a little fun on Sesame Street with: Sesame Street Seasons You and your partner will each write in the same journal. Each of you will write 1 or 2 sentences about Spring. You will also draw 1 picture each. We will repeat the same steps from #2 each day. Tuesday you will write about Summer Wednesday you will write about Fall Thursday you will write about Winter At the end of class Thursday, you we play a game online about weather and the 4 seasons. You and your partner will play the game together. You will click on the link below, when it tells you to enter name, you can both put in your names. After you listen to instructions, click on Introduction and listen. You only have to finish weather wise level 1 and 2. You can move on to level 3 if you would like, and if time allows. Fun Game On Friday, You will work on your own. Pick your favorite season and write a couple of sentence about it. What is your favorite season? What do you like to do when this season comes? You will draw a picture on Kerpoof Studio and we will print them out in class to add to journal. I will add this to your journal you have with your partner. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Student Page [Teacher Page] Evaluation Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Score Following directions Needs teacher assistance the whole time. Worked on webquest with little teacher assistance. Worked on webquest with partner and followed directions with little assistance Assignment Did 1 or 2 entries in journal. Did only some parts of journal Finished every part of the assignment. Group work Did not work to well with partner. Did not work with or help on game. Worked with partner on game and a little on journal. Worked well with partner and helped when you could. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Student Page [Teacher Page] Conclusion Congratulations !!!! You have completed your webquest. You learned about the Seasons of the year and created a journal that will go in our hall of fame. You can use what you’ve learned everyday. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Student Page [Teacher Page] Credits Images were found on The video about seasons was found on or The fun game on weather was found on Online student drawing Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits