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Three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe Four resources: Oil, copper, salt and phosphate Home to Arabs, Jews, Christians, Palestinians and various combinations of those groups. Arab: Anyone whose native language is Arabic.
First civilization in the Middle East Located in the Fertile Crescent Settled there because of water supply, lots of food and good soil for growing crops. Believed the gods were the cause of all disasters and good fortune.
Developed the alphabet which has become the one used today. Spread their culture without a centralized empire through small city-states and trade.
Israel was created in 1948 by the United Nations. Immediately attacked by Arab neighbors Its creation led to several wars that allowed it to expand and gain more land. Creation of Israel destroyed Palestine, displaced Palestinians. Palestinians control Gaza Strip and West Bank
Ruler of Iraq who was involved in the Persian Gulf war, the Iran/Iraq war and the Iraq war. Leader of the Baath Party who used terror and violence to solve problems, even against his own people. Came to power through the military. Tried and hanged because of Massacre at Dujail, when he killed 148 people.
Followers are called Muslims. Mosques are holy worship sites for Muslims. Five Pillars: Prayer Fasting Charity Pilgrimage Declaration
Millets- Non-Muslim areas controlled by the Ottoman Empire that were ruled by their own religious leaders but owed tribute to the sultan. Dardanelles – Straits that provided access to Ottoman Empire from Europe, were critical in both the Siege of Constantinople and World War I. Janissaries – Elite guard of the Ottoman Empire, first to wear uniforms. Formed under Mehmed II Chose to expand west because it was Christian, not Muslim controlled.
Mehmed II- Ottoman Ruler who successfully took Constantinople from the Byzantine Empire in 1453 Ottomans (Muslim) vs. Byzantine Empire (Christian) Importance: When the city fell and the Christians fled to Europe it brought the ideas of the Middle East to Europe and caused the Renaissance.
Cannons – Orban designed huge cannon to destroy the walls, largely ineffective. Boom – Large chain strung across the Golden Horn to prevent Mehmed’s ships from surrounding the city. Tunnels – Ottomans dug but Byzantines caught and put mines on the ground to prevent. Kerkoporta- Gate left open by Byzantine troops that allowed Ottomans to get into the city.
Ottoman empire in decline Eastern question Ottomans support Germany and Austria/Hungary France and Britain attempt to take Istanbul through Dardanelles, Mustafa Kemal defends.
Mustafa Kemal, renamed Father of the Turks. Lead Turkish Youth Day revolution on May 19, Created modern Turkey and moved capital from Istanbul (originally Constantinople) to Ankara.
Gave women the right to vote, own property Implemented surnames Removed Religious law from constitution Removed requirement that women wear headgear Created Public education system.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam What do they have in common? Believe in Father figure of Abraham Believe in existence of Jesus Christ Believe in prayer, good works and holy book None condone adultery Have a holy site in Jerusalem
Judaism: The Torah Christianity: The Bible (Old Testament is the Torah.) Islam: The Qu’ran
Islam: Dome of the Rock: Where Muhammad ascended to Heaven Judaism: Western Wall: Last wall of the temple of Herod, believed to be where God resides on Earth. Christianity: Church of the Holy Sepulchre – Believed to be where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected
Building good roads Encouraging peace in the empire Developing universal system of coinage
Taj Mahal Great Wall of China
Petra Chichen Itza
Christ the RedeemerMachu Picchu