By: Lauren Warner
~Born on September 6, 1860 in Cedarville Illinois ~ Had 9 siblings 1 died at birth ~ Had a heart attack in 1926 then died on may 21,1935
She mad the hull house: it is a place for people to go who had no were else to go. It was a huge part of Chicago's history
She picked up garbage for no pay She cared about woman's rights She cared about African Americans rights
She got the Nobel peace prize She got her own postage stamp There is a high way named after her
Book source: Jane Addams champion of democracy. Published 2006 information addams&qpvt=jane+addmas&FORM=Z7FD& adlt=strict#x0y936: my Pictures addams&qpvt=jane+addmas&FORM=Z7FD& adlt=strict#x0y936