Warm Up John Adams Video Write Down 5 Facts You Learn about John Adams
Election of 1796 First Campaigns in Countries History How does the electoral college work at this time in the history? I would serve for only one term until that rapscallion Jefferson would defeat me.
John Adams From Massachusetts Strong Federalist Beliefs Wanted to expand power of government Got into disagreement with Thomas Jefferson over power and size of Government
The Adams Presidency Problems with France (still) –The XYZ Affair
The XYZ Affair Three spies from France Blackmail for Money Exposed by Americans Soured relations with France
Clashes with France The Quasi War Battle on the High Seas Peace in 1800
Alien and Sedition Acts Passed in 1798 Federalists supported See chart in book on page 271
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional States can Nullify federal laws States Rights Reaction to Federalists
Stacking the Courts After Adams losses election Plans to stack courts with Federalist Judges Leads to an early Supreme Court Case
The Election of 1800 Grab a Worksheet & Complete