States Rights Debate 1798-AlienAlien and Sedition Acts 1799-VirginiaVirginia and Kentucky Resolutions 1827-TariffTariff of Abominations 1828 TheThe Nullification Crisis 1832 JacksonJackson Responds
Alien and Sedition Acts Laws were said to protect us – but Federalists intended them to crush the opposition The Alien Act-Could Expel foreigners for looking suspicious Sedition Act- Forbade people from publishing or voicing criticism against the government
Alien and Sedition Acts Madison: Found it as a misuse of the government’s power. Jefferson – Pressured Congress to repeal (take away) the Acts.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Kentucky and Virginia passed legislation (laws) at the state level which nullified (cancelled) the Alien and Sedition acts on the basis that they were unconstitutional.
Tariff of Abominations Tariff- Tax on imported or exported goods.
Tariff of Abominations North: Tariffs are good for American business. American goods can be sold at lower prices than European goods. A high tariff was passed to protect northern manufacturers- THEY SELL MORE.
Tariff of Abominations South: Tariffs increase the cost of important/wanted needed goods. calls it an “abomination” because they buy foreign goods
The Nullification Crisis Calhoun = South Carolina (South) nullifies the Federal law S.C. says that the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions set precedent that states could nullify federal laws. I claimed that a state had formed the national government. Therefore, state power should be greater than federal power!
The Nullification Crisis Webster = Massachusetts (North) The U.s. was ONE NATION, not a pact among independent states. I argued that if states had the right to nullify (reject) federal law, the welfare of the nations should override that of the individual state!
The Nullification ACT South Carolina – declares that the 1828 and 1832 tariffs were “null & void (and not) binding upon this State, its officers or citizens” President Jackson will select Martin Van Buren as VP during his second term as president. We will withdraw from the Union if Federal troops are used to collect duties ($ from tariffs). “I will resign my position of Vice President! “
Jackson Responds Jackson was enraged! He declared that S. Carolina would enforce the law He passed the Force Bill- Approved by congress saying that he could use the army to enforce laws if necessary.