Alien and Sedition Acts John Adam’s Administration 1798
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What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? Federalist controlled congress passed 4 laws together. – Forbade anyone from publishing or voicing criticism of the U.S. government – Lengthen the residence requirement to become a citizen – 2 Alien Acts never enforced to detain and deport dangerous aliens
The laws were designed to protect the United States, but in reality they were to end opposition to war. Democratic Republicans saw these as a violation against the 1 st Amendment
What was the purpose of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? These documents argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. – Proposed by Jefferson secretly and Madison – Attacked from the state level – saying that the acts interfered with the state government This resolution demonstrated that the states could challenge the federal government. – Would reappear in support for the south in the Civil War