WASHINGTON AS PRESIDENT OF A NEW NATION “A Heart Filled with Distress” The 1 st Cabinet Department of State – Thomas Jefferson Department of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton John Jay’s Supreme Court The Need to Raise Revenue
HAMILTON’S FINANCIAL PLAN Establishing Public Credit Emerging Sectional Differences The 1 st National Bank Encouraging Manufactures Hamilton’s Successes Retiring war debt Renewed influx of foreign capital Flourishing economic growth
THE REPUBLICAN ALTERNATIVE Hamiltonian Federalists v. Jeffersonian Republicans Particular areas of conflict: Tax on whiskey Proposal for national bank “Report on Manufactures” Jefferson and Hamilton were, in many respects, opposites
FOREIGN CRISES The French Revolution and Napoleon Citizen Genet Jay’s Treaty
DOMESTIC CRISES Frontier Tensions The Whiskey Rebellion Pinckney’s Treaty
SETTLEMENT OF NEW LAND Land Policy The Wilderness Road
WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL Called for unity, decried partisanship Warning against permanent foreign entanglements Election of 1796
ADAMS AND THE CONFLICT WITH FRANCE Middle ground between Hamilton and Jefferson Inherited an undeclared war XYZ Affair Strengthened American defenses
INCREASED PARTISAN TENSIONS Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
THE REVOLUTION OF 1800 Republican victory Judiciary Act of 1801 The Virginia Dynasty and sectionalism