narratives of person & world: individualism & relational processes Dian Marie Hosking
Narrative 1: ‘this and that’ thinking the rational agent
Narrative 1: ‘this and that’ thinking Observation & the empirical method
Narrative 1: ‘this and that’ thinking Language as a tool for representing the world -> donkeys
Hard self-other differentiation
Narrative 2: relating constructs relational realities Moves away from representation
other possible constructions of person & world New focus: multiple local “language games” & local rationalities
New focus: relational processes ongoing, language-based relating (re)constructs: multiple, local-cultural, local-historical relational realities of self-other and relations & so: relating constructs S-O relations & so could construct other relations
Inquiry as a relational process methodology as ‘tool & result’ how we do things – the ‘tool’, the becoming process - matters because we are (re)producing particular “forms of life” –in different but hierarchical relation or –in different but equal relation what kinds of reality do you want to contribute to (re)making?
Engaged inquiry: some possiblities participative - multi-voiced dialogues of equals open, emergent - minimal pre-structuring appreciative local use values and ethics more or less transformative