1 This project is funded by the European Union Provided by the European Union A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice Mr. Roberto Sandrini.


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Presentation transcript:

1 This project is funded by the European Union Provided by the European Union A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice Mr. Roberto Sandrini Project Manager CASIP-SMEs project IP Services to Enterprises to Support Innovation and Market Partner Meeting Luxembourg, 15th November 2012

2 CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE AND CRAFT OF VENICE “Central Asia Invest” Programme 2013 Call: new project opportunities

3 CENTRAL ASIA INVEST PROGRAMME CASIP-SMEs Project A new call for project proposal will open in 2013 Are we interested in participating? A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union

4 WHY A CASIP-SMEs follow-up project? CASIP-SMEs Project The main object of the new project could be to support concretely the growth and expansion of SMEs operating in the textile, agro-food and technological sectors by creating new business occasions and boosting the technology transfer from the European SMEs to the Central Asian SMEs. A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union

5 PROJECT STRUCTURE CASIP-SMEs Project The new project could be structured in the following components (besides the ones related to Management and Communication) CP3 – State of the art analysis here some analysis concerning the request of technology coming from CA countries and the offer from EU could be investigated. CP4 – Elaboration and implementation of tools and services A platform to support CA Intermediaries create matching opportunities between CA SMEs and EU Technology providers (and the opposite) could be implemented CP5 – Technology transfer between EU and CA. A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union

6 CP3 – STATE OF THE ART ANALYSIS CASIP-SMEs Project CP3 aims at collecting relevant information for a state of the art analysis on the sectors considered by the project in CA countries. The sectors are: machineries for textile sector; machineries for agro-food sector; technology sector. A report will identify the SMEs needs regarding the technologic sector in the CA countries. A benchmarking analysis will collect most important methods able to support the transfer of knowledge from developed countries to developing countries. A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union

7 CP4 – ELABORATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TOOLS AND SERVICES CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union In the CP4 a detailed methodology on how to encourage technology, knowledge and competencies transfer between EU enterprises and CA SMEs will be elaborated. To accelerate the transfer a specific IT Platform and dedicated tools and services will be developed. According to the methodology elaborated, tools and services will be implemented for the technology transfer process from the EU SMEs to the CA SMEs

8 CP5 – TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER BETWEEN EU AND CA CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union This components aims at realizing concretely the technologic transfer between the EU SMEs and the CA SMEs in the sector considered by the project. In this contest a very prominent role will be play by the Chamber of Commerce of Industries of the CA countries. In particular the Chambers will: involve local SMEs; apply concretely the developed instruments; organize visit exchanges and meetings in EU and in CA countries for SMEs and Technology providers use the skills provided by the CASIP-SMEs training session to support the innovation processes.

9 POTENTIAL PARTNERSHIP (to be confirmed) CASIP-SMEs Project LEAD PARTNER Association of the Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region (Italy); PROJECT PARTNERS European PPs Chamber of Commerce of Venice (Italy); Veneto Promozione – Special Agency promoting internationalization of SMEs (Italy); Fraunhoefer Chamber of Commerce and Industry Black Forrest – Baar - Heuberg (Germany); Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (Luxembourg) Central Asian PPs Chamber of Commerce of and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajikistan); Almaty Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kazakhstan); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan). A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union

10 BUDGET ESTIMATION CASIP-SMEs Project Total project budget About 700, Euros Cofinancing: EU contribution 85% Own cofinancing 15% Total duration of the action 24 months A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union

11 NEXT STEPS CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union DATEACTIVITY Within 15th December 2012 Confirmation of the potential partners of their involvement in the project Circulation of the first draft of the project structure Within 15th January 2013 Circulation of the budget proposal among the partnership and request of comments Within 31st January 2013 Collection of comments from each partner, draft of the final version of the project and start of the procedure to present the projec application

12 CASIP-SMEs Project A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of VeniceThis project is funded by the European Union Thanks for your attention Mr. Roberto Sandrini Project Manager