Integrated Academics in Health Science Susan Galligan, RN New York State Health Science Educators Association
What is Integration of Academics? Integration of academics is drawing connections between course concepts and applying them in a useful manner. Identifying the core skills needed to obtain employment in the health science field.
Benefits to Students Curriculum Instruction is taught in CTE and reinforced in academics Connections are made between real-world and abstract information Academic success CTE success Ready for real-world employment in that career field
Core Essential Skills Needed for Health Careers Career Specific Content Knowledge Technical Skills Communication Skills Math Skills Science Skills
Follow the Standards... National Standards National Consortium for Health Science Education Common Core English, Math and Science Standards New York State Standards CDOS NYSED Specific Career Curriculum Guidelines
Linking of Core Concepts Identify Literacy and Communication Concepts Identify Math Concepts Develop a Plan Problem Based Focus
Collaborate with Academic Teachers Identify essential literacy, communication and analytical skills Develop rigorous assignments that will ensure firm grasp on core skills Align skills to standards Develop rubrics that evaluate student performance
Assessment/Evaluation Rubrics should be used Assessments should be graded by CTE instructor for content and Academic instructors for English and Math Students receive feedback from both CTE and Academic Instructor
Example of ELA Integration in Health Science Job Preparation Career Research Paper Students explore a health occupations career and write a research based paper using APA format. Assignment is graded by both ELA and CTE instructors
Example of Math Integration in Health Science Analysis of Measurements Anthropometrics Students measure femurs lengths of classmates to predict student height Arrange data in excel chart and create a scatterplot graph
References Bolger, D. (2008). Integrating CTE and Academics: One Teachers Account. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 83(8), Cutshall, S. (2003). The Core Connection: CTE and Academics: A Perfect Fit. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 78(6), Moye, J. (2011). Real Integration-Where the Rubber Meets the Road. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, Reese, S. (2007). A Model of the Career Academy Concept. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 82(1), Tews, N. (2011). Integrated Curricula: Implementing English and Math Credit into CTE. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, Wright, T., Thomas, D., & Rogers, S. (2014). CTE Academic and Technical Curriculum Integration to Meet the Common Core. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers,