June 15th, 2010 U.S. Department of Education Strategic Use of Title I & IDEA: How to Maximize ARRA, FY09 & FY10 Funds
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Meeting the Challenge Budget shortfalls continue – State revenues lag economic recovery – 100,000 – 300,000 education jobs at risk Maximize impact of Title I and IDEA funding Minimize post-ARRA “funding cliff”
Agenda ARRA Year 1 Update Optimizing Title I and IDEA funding Effective uses of funds
Getting ARRA dollars out quickly ED ARRA Grant Programs 6/4/10
Draw Downs & Obligations
Economic Impact of ARRA funds Over 300,000 educator jobs
Title I and IDEA spending
Title I and IDEA ARRA Jobs
Remaining ARRA funding for School Year Draw Downs as of May 21st
Use FY 2010 funding After the “Cliff” Extend ARRA impact Funding Availability -- Title I & IDEA Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 FY 2008 Appropriation FY 2009 Appropriation ARRA Appropriation 50% FY 2010 Appropriation
Integrated Approach Legislation Proposed FY 2011 Budget ARRA $100 Billion Save Jobs 4 Reform Assurances 7.5 % Increase Increased Discretionary Funding Program Consolidation SAFRA ESEA Reauthorization Workforce Investment Act Childhood Nutrition Act Reauthorization Education Sciences Reform Act
Title ARRA Grants: ~$100 Billion Teacher Incentive $300 M State Fiscal Stabilization $48.6 B Data Systems $250 M Ed Tech $650 M School Improvement $3.5 B Innovation Fund $650 M Race to the Top $4.35 B Title I $10 B IDEA $12.2 B TQP $100 M Turnaround Schools Data Systems Standards & Assessments Effective Teachers & Leaders
Comprehensive and Aligned Reforms Rigorous Standards & Assessments Great Teachers & Leaders Effective Use of Data Turning Around Low Performing Schools ARRA Reform Assurances FY 2011 Budget & ESEA College and Career Readiness A Complete Education Needs of Diverse Learners Successful, Safe & Healthy Students Effective Teaching & Learning Innovation and Excellence Great Teachers & Leaders
Guidance on Specific Uses of Title I, Part A and IDEA ARRA Funds The Department has published non-regulatory guidance under Title I, Part A and IDEA that contains specific ideas about how ARRA funds may be used to improve the achievement of students eligible to be served under those programs. SEAs and LEAs should refer to this guidance for more detailed discussion about the uses of Title I, Part A and IDEA ARRA funds consistent with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Uses of Title I, Part A ARRA funds guidance: – Uses of IDEA ARRA funds guidance: –
A Word of Caution… Title I, Part A and IDEA funds must be used for activities that are consistent with the statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to each program. Accordingly, the suggestions on the following slides must be considered in the context of those requirements.
Title IIDEA College & Career Readiness Standards & Assessments Great Teachers & Leaders Data Systems Turnaround Schools Diverse Learners Complete Education Safe & Healthy Students Innovation Activities that Title I, Part A and IDEA funds might support
Use of IDEA ARRA Funds for Students with Disabilities Virtual special education courses in Spanish Training for parents of students with disabilities School to work programs; university partnerships Intensive language arts special education reading program Extended-day programs necessary to implement IEPs Drop-out prevention initiatives Staff for collaborative special education team-teaching
Use of Title I ARRA Funds for At-risk Students Align with the school intervention models in the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program Boost the funding provided to existing highest need Title I schools (more staff and intense services through additional staffing and resources) Initiate new program that has never been funded by state/local funds (e.g. extend part-day kindergarten to full day for educationally at-risk students); use future Title I dollars to continue after ARRA Expand programs to additional Title I eligible schools
Use FY 2010 funding After the “Cliff” Extend ARRA impact Funding Availability -- Title I & IDEA Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 FY 2008 Appropriation FY 2009 Appropriation ARRA Appropriation 50% FY 2010 Appropriation