CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Three Key Roles: 1) Senior Pastor of the local United Methodist Church 2) Disaster Response Coordinator (DRC) 3)Trustees serving the local congregation
The Senior Pastor – Our Shepherd * Provides guidance in the time of a disaster (tornado, earthquake, nuclear hazard, winter weather emergencies) & leads the congregation in the response to the threat. *Provides appropriate spiritual care for the disastrous situation in general & to the victims of the disaster. *Oversees the Disaster Response Coordinator or DRC & the Trustees to make sure the disaster response plan is developed, followed, & reviewed annually.
The Disaster Response Coordinator – The Critical Leader *The DRC prepares the congregation to respond to potential manmade and natural disasters. *The DRC also works with the congregation, UM Volunteers, and staff of the District, Conference, and General Church. *The DRC provides awareness of any agencies such as The American Red Cross that will provide resources to the congregation. These resources may be shared with other congregations. Other local and state agencies may also provide resources.
The Disaster Response Coordinator – The Critical Leader *DRC keeps supplies, resources, and lists up-to-date as called for in the Disaster Response Plan. *DRC maintains a list of church members certified in AED (Automated External Defibrillator), CPR, & First Aid. *DRC learns state agencies’ disaster response procedures and plans such as American Red Cross.
The Disaster Response Coordinator – The Critical Leader *DRC communicates with the District Disaster Response Coordinator and the Conference Disaster Response Coordinator. *DRC attends training meetings like the one today and organizes training events for disaster response in the local church. *Recruits congregational members to be involved with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UVIM) and other teams which respond to disaster in other communities.
The Disaster Response Coordinator – The Critical Leader *DRC develops & maintains effective relationships with the county’s disaster and/or emergency response office & networks with diverse groups within the local community. *DRC reports to the Church Council.
The Trustees *The Trustees alongside the Senior Pastor are responsible for the property of the local United Methodist Church. *The Trustees help develop the Disaster Response Plan and keep it updated.