LOGO PROJECT HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool Presentation of Regensburg’s ‘Road Map’ Barbara Bühler, City of Regensburg 16th-17th July 2009
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 2 Regensburg’s Local Support Group: “Working Group Management Plan”
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 3 Regensburg’s Local Support Group: “Working Group Management Plan” › Department for the Preservation of Monuments › Planning Department › Department of Urban Development › Local Building Authority › Department for the Environment › Department for Urban Development Assistance Funds › Department for Economics › Press Office › Tourist Office Regensburg › Chamber of Industry and Commerce › City Marketing Regensburg › Action Group Old Town › World Heritage Development Association Regensburg › Bavarian Regional Office for the Preservation of Monuments › The Bavarian Ministry of Economics (Managing Authority) EXTERNAL MUNICIPAL
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 4 UNESCO World Heritage Site “Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof”
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 5 Main Objectives we want to achieve with our Management Plan › Safeguarding the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site “Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof” › Securing the multifunctionality of the Old Town of Regensburg and ensuring a vital and attractive area for residents and visitors alike › Balancing and coordinating the safeguarding of the built cultural heritage with the sustainable development of the area (social, economic and environmental aspects) by using an integrated management approach › Coordination and management of (conflicting) needs and interests of all stakeholders concerned (e.g. residents, visitors, conservators, etc….)
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 6 Intended Result: An integrated cultural heritage management plan “CHIMP” for Regensburg’s old town area including strategies for the safeguarding of the World Heritage site and its sustainable development as well as a management system to steer and monitor the safeguarding and development process.
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 7 Intended Result: CHIMP › Coordinated and agreed upon within the public administration and with the main private stakeholder groups › Defines objectives, strategies, policies and measures in regard to the safeguarding and sustainable development of the ”Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof” › The measures will be tuned with the mid-term financial planning of the City of Regensburg › The Management Plan shall be approved by the City Council and shall act as concept paper for all stakeholders in the World Heritage area › It will be reviewed and revised at regular intervals
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 8 Structure and Content of the CHIMP I Introduction II Identifying issues II.1Understanding the site II.2 Stakeholders, Structures, Procedures III Appraisal III.1 Overall vision for the UNESCO World Heritage site “Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof” III.2 Field of actions, their principles, objectives and actions III.3 Structures and procedures: Responsibilities for the safeguarding and sustainable development of the ”Old Town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof” Coordination and Management of the needs of the World Heritage area and its users (integrated, cross-sectoral administrative structures) Continuous satisfaction monitoring of the World Heritage needs and the needs of its users Settlement of conflicts IV Implementation and Monitoring IV.1 Action Plan/ Implementation Plan IV.2Continuous monitoring and review system
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 9 6 “Fields of Action” identified: 1. Safeguarding and sustainable development of the world cultural heritage 2. Culture and Tourism 3. Economic development 4. Urban planning and development: multifunctionality, public space, housing and working, mobility and accessibility 5. Environmental issues and recreation 6. Awareness raising and Science Structure and Content of the CHIMP
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 10 Elaboration of the Regensburg CHIMP: Work Plan › Summer 2008: Establishing the LSG Regensburg by involving the main public and private stakeholders groups in regards to the safeguarding and the sustainable development of the World Heritage site (integrated approach). The stakeholders to be involved in the process have been appointed by Regensburg’s World Heritage Steering Group › January 2009: Hiring an external expert for writing the CHIMP and moderating the elaboration process and the LSG meetings › March-May 2009: Gathering all relevant existing concepts, plans, studies and instruments for Regensburg and analysing them (basis for the Cultural Heritage Integrated Management Plan) › every 3 months: regular meetings of the LSG › June 2009-November 2010: Elaboration of the CHIMP › End of 2010: Approval of the CHIMP by Regensburg’s City Council › November 2010-February 2011: Publishing the Regensburg CHIMP still to be done steps undertaken so far
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 11 Elaboration of the Regensburg CHIMP: Regular meetings of the LSG 1st meeting: January nd meeting: May rd meeting: July th meeting: September th meeting: December th meeting: February th meeting: April th meeting: September 2010
HerO Project Meeting in Liverpool | 16th-17th July 2009 I Page 13 Any questions? Comments? Suggestions for improvement?