Company Confidential - Copyright 2009 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this document including all words, graphics, and other materials contained herein are the exclusive confidential and proprietary property of Top Ladies of Distinction (TLOD), Inc. No portion of the enclosed may be copied, reproduced, transmitted, disseminated, or used in any manner without first obtaining the written permission of TLOD, Inc. Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. National Strategic Plan October 6, 2009
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 1 Summary: Plan Elements Mission Goals To enhance and enrich the lives of youth and adults through national and community based programs and projects. We measure our success by the improved quality of life experienced by the people we serve. Increase and Sustain Membership Raise Funding Levels Get “Back to the Basics” to Ensure our “Aim is Always Service” Build and Maintain an Organizational Infrastructure to Support Growth Vision “Empowering Youth and Adults to Provide Exemplary Service with Passion and Purpose”
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 2 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Increase active membership to 4,000 by Implement a reactivation plan to bring back 5% of membership yearly 3.Develop and execute a TLOD Media Outreach Plan 4.Charter 25 new chapters by the end of Fully implement Honorary Membership guidelines Objective 1: Increase active membership to 4,000 by 2014 Responsibility National 2 nd Vice President/National Membership Chair/Committee Area Directors Action Determine growth plan by Area Develop and Execute Area Growth Plans Completion DateNovember 1, 2009Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Goal 1 Increase and Sustain Membership
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 3 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Increase active membership to 4,000 by Implement a Reactivation Plan to bring back 5% of membership yearly 3.Develop and execute a TLOD Media Outreach Plan 4.Charter 25 new chapters by the end of Fully implement Honorary Membership guidelines Goal 1 Increase and Sustain Membership Objective 2: Implement a Reactivation Plan to bring back 5% of membership each year Responsibility National 2 nd Vice President/National Membership Committee/Chair Area Directors Actions Determine Reactivation Plan by Area Develop and Execute Area Reactivation Plans Completion DateNovember 1, 2009Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 4 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Increase active membership to 4,000 by Implement a Reactivation Plan to bring back 5% of membership yearly 3.Develop and execute a TLOD Media Outreach Plan 4.Charter 40 new chapters by the end of Fully implement Honorary Membership guidelines Goal 1 Increase and Sustain Membership Objective 3: Develop and execute a TLOD Media Outreach Plan Responsibility National President/1 st and 2 nd Vice Presidents Area Directors Actions Identify key media outlets to target/hire a publicist to assist in penetrating Execute Media Outreach Plan in Areas Completion DateFebruary 28, 2010May 31, 2010
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 5 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 1 Increase and Sustain Membership Objective 4: Charter 40 new chapters by the end of 2014 ResponsibilityNational 1st Vice PresidentArea Directors Actions Develop a yearly (by Area) plan to ensure 40 new chapters are chartered by the end of 2014 Develop and Execute Area chartering plans through the end of 2014, meeting yearly expectations Completion DateNovember 1, 2009Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, Increase active membership to 4,000 by Implement a Reactivation Plan to bring back 5% of membership yearly 3.Develop and execute a TLOD Media Outreach Plan 4.Charter 40 new chapters by the end of Fully implement Honorary Membership guidelines
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 6 Summary: Plan Elements Objective Goal 1 Increase and Sustain Membership 1.Increase active membership to 4,000 by Implement a Reactivation Plan to bring back 5% of membership yearly 3.Develop and execute a TLOD Media Outreach Plan 4.Charter 40 new chapters by the end of Fully implement Honorary Membership guidelines Objective 5: Fully implement Honorary Membership guidelines Responsibility National President/1 st and 2 nd Vice Presidents Area Directors Actions Target and engage potential Honorary Members; induct Honorary Members Provide recommendations for potential Honorary Members; assist in inductions in Areas Completion Date February 28, 2010 Inductions: TBD Recommendations to National: January 11, 2010 Inductions: TBD
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 7 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Develop and execute a strategic engagement plan which facilitates an increase in revenue by 15% each year 2.Obtain TLOD registered trademark and ensure organizational branding 3.Conduct one nationally synchronized fundraiser 4.Create a program to identify and pursue grants supporting programmatic thrusts Goal 2 Raise Funding Levels Objective 1: Develop and execute a strategic engagement plan which facilitates an increase in revenue by 15% each year ResponsibilityTreasurerNational President/1 st and 2 nd Vice Presidents TLOD Publicist/ National Committee for Community Partnerships/Chair Area Directors ActionsPublish yearly revenue accomplishment and determine 15% increase goal for next year Determine key stakeholders to engage to promote TLOD and increase visibility and support Develop Strategic Engagement Plan based on Organizational input Recommend potential key Stakeholders to engage; execute the plan as outlined Completion Date October 23, 2010 (Initial) February 28, 2010May 31, 2010Recommend: January 11, 2010 Execute: May 31, 2010
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 8 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 2 Raise Funding Levels 1.Develop and execute a strategic engagement plan which facilitates an increase in revenue by 15% each year 2.Obtain TLOD registered trademark and ensure organizational branding 3.Conduct one nationally synchronized fundraiser 4.Create a program to identify and pursue grants supporting programmatic thrusts Objective 2: Obtain TLOD registered trademark and ensure organizational branding Responsibility TLOD Executive DirectorAll TLOD Members Actions Obtain TLOD registered trademark and ensure organizational branding Ensure all TLOD branding is apparent and consistent on all correspondence, at all functions, on all clothing items Completion Date May 31, 2010
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 9 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 2 Raise Funding Levels 1.Develop and execute a strategic engagement plan which facilitates an increase in revenue by 15% each year 2.Obtain TLOD registered trademark and ensure organizational branding 3.Conduct one nationally synchronized fundraiser 4.Create a program to identify and pursue grants supporting programmatic thrusts Objective 3: Conduct one nationally synchronized fundraiser ResponsibilityNational President TLOD Publicist/National Committee for Community Partnerships/Chair Area Directors Actions Obtain TLOD sponsorship and determine national date to fundraise Develop TLOP marketing materials and sponsorship packets Participate in National Fundraiser Completion Date January 11, 2010 May 31, 2010Date: TBD (2010)
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 10 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 2 Raise Funding Levels 1.Develop and execute a strategic engagement plan which facilitates an increase in revenue by 15% each year 2.Obtain TLOD registered trademark and ensure organizational branding 3.Conduct one nationally synchronized fundraiser 4.Create a program to identify and pursue grants supporting programmatic thrusts Objective 4: Create a program to identify and pursue grants supporting programmatic thrusts Responsibility National PresidentTLOD Grants Writer Actions Identify grant opportunities for TLOD to obtain funding to support programmatic thrusts Write and submit grants to fulfill TLOD goals for increased yearly revenue Completion Date November 1, 2009 Throughout Year, when required
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 11 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Increase the percentage of 5 Star Chapters to 100% by Assess and improve Top Teens of America Program 3.Encourage TLOD Programs instead of activities 4.Re-educate members on TLOD/TTA culture Goal 3 Get “Back to the Basics” to Ensure our “Aim is Always Service” Objective 1: Increase the percentage of 5 Star Chapters to 100% by 2011 Responsibility National 1 st Vice President Area Directors Actions Identify Chapters that have not made 5 Star status, by Area Develop and implement plan to increase 5 Star Chapters to 100% by end of 2011 Completion Date November 1, 2009 Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 12 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 3 Get “Back to the Basics” to Ensure our “Aim is Always Service” 1.Increase the percentage of 5 Star Chapters to 100% by Assess and improve Top Teens of America Program 3.Encourage TLOD Programs instead of activities 4.Re-educate members on TLOD/TTA culture Objective 2: Assess and improve Top Teen of America Program Responsibility National Top Teens DirectorArea Directors Actions Develop a National Top Teens of America Strategic Plan to address and improve overall program through 2014 Implement TTA Strategic Plan Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Yearly
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 13 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Increase percentage of 5 Star Chapters to 100% by Assess and improve Top Teens of America Program 3.Encourage TLOD Programs instead of activities 4.Re-educate members on TLOD/TTA culture Goal 3 Get “Back to the Basics” to Ensure our “Aim is Always Service” Objective 3: Encourage TLOD Programs instead of activities Responsibility National PresidentArea Directors Actions Review and refocus TLOD activities where appropriate Refocus activities as needed Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 14 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Increase percentage of 5 Star Chapters to 100% by Assess and improve Top Teens of America Program 3.Encourage TLOD Programs instead of activities 4.Maintain rich TLOD/TTA history and culture Goal 3 Get “Back to the Basics” to Ensure our “Aim is Always Service” Objective 4: Maintain rich TLOD/TTA history and culture Responsibility National TLOD/ TTA Historian TLOD PublicistArea Directors Actions Capture and record all major TLOD events Develop a one page quick reference for all TLOD/TTA members Ensure newly inducted members have a full understanding of TLOD/TTA; use governances and review history at meetings Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Throughout the year
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 15 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives 1.Develop and execute the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy 2.Determine and maintain Organizational Succession Plans 3.Improve web presence 4.Develop an enhanced repository for information 5.Secure a permanent TLOD facility Goal 4 Build and Maintain an Organizational Infrastructure to Support Growth Objective 1: Develop and execute the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy Responsibility National IT Committee/Executive Director National IT Chair/Executive Director/TLOD Membership Actions Develop the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy Implement the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 November 2, 2009
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 16 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 4 Build and Maintain an Organizational Infrastructure to Support Growth Objective 2: Determine and maintain Organizational Succession Plans Responsibility National President/1 st and 2 nd Vice Presidents Area Directors Actions Develop the TLOD Organizational Succession Plan Implement the TLOD Organizational Succession Plan and develop Area level plans Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Implement: When Appropriate Develop: August 30, Develop and execute the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy 2.Determine and maintain Organizational Succession Plans 3.Improve web presence 4.Develop an enhanced repository for information 5.Secure a permanent TLOD facility
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 17 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 4 Build and Maintain an Organizational Infrastructure to Support Growth Objective 3: Improve web presence Responsibility National IT/Website Committee/Chair National IT/Website Committee/Chair/National President Actions Review current TLOD National website and recommend changes/improvements Approve new design and improvements to National website Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 August 30, Develop and execute the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy 2.Determine and maintain Organizational Succession Plans 3.Improve web presence 4.Develop an enhanced repository for information 5.Secure a permanent TLOD facility
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 18 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 4 Build and Maintain an Organizational Infrastructure to Support Growth Objective 4: Develop a repository for information ResponsibilityNational IT Committee National IT Committee/National President Actions Research and propose “best” database for TLOD Approve database to store pertinent TLOD membership information and archives Completion DateInitial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 August 30, Develop and execute the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy 2.Determine and maintain Organizational Succession Plans 3.Improve web presence 4.Develop an enhanced repository for information 5.Secure a permanent TLOD facility
Company Confidential - Copyright 2006 Hitachi Consulting ® 19 Summary: Plan Elements Objectives Goal 4 Build and Maintain an Organizational Infrastructure to Support Growth Objective 5: Secure a permanent TLOD facility Responsibility Finance Committee/Site Selection Committee Site Selection CommitteeTLOD Membership Actions Determine the financial feasibility of purchasing a TLOD facility in 2010 Research and propose “best” location and type facility/building for a TLOD Headquarters Approve recommendation to purchase/building location and type facility Completion Date Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 Initial Progress Report: February 28, nd Progress Report: May 31, 2010 August 30, 2010 (if feasible) 1.Develop and execute the TLOD Knowledge Management and Technology Strategy 2.Determine and maintain Organizational Succession Plans 3.Improve web presence 4.Develop an enhanced repository for information 5.Secure a permanent TLOD facility